Nuclear Batteries for Phones, Laptops, Mini Fire-Breathing Robots

Not that we haven’t known that this would one day happen, but it’s still an exciting development nonetheless. Some folks over at the University of Missouri have whipped up nuclear batteries small enough to run the typical mobile device of today. They don’t quite specify if has enough voltage to power something like a phone or a laptop as the batteries are being designed with MEMS and NEMS technology in mind, but they claim that these penny-sized batteries hold one million times the charge of “regular batteries.” Whether a “regular battery” by their definition is the standard AA, the typical laptop battery, or a watch battery is unbeknownst to us peasants. It’s being designed for MEMS and NEMS technology, but why not have it power my lappy if it’s got the voltage? Imagine running one’s computer for seven hundred years, and imagine all of that delicious space saved from the curse of conventional laptop batteries. Perhaps we don’t need wireless electricity after all.


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