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At Home with HomeGroup in Windows 7

“You probably have seen or heard about HomeGroup by now. We demonstrated it at PDC this year during Steven’s keynote, it was mentioned a few times at WinHec, and some of you may have even tried it on your PCs with the PDC pre-beta build of Windows 7. HomeGroup represents a new end-to-end approach to sharing in the home, an area in which Windows has provided many features before – the intuitive end to end is what’s new. HomeGroup recognizes and groups your Windows 7 PCs in a ‘simple to set up’ secure group that enables open access to media and digital memories in your home. With HomeGroup, you can share files in the home, stream music to your XBOX 360 or other devices, and print to the home printer without worrying about technical setup or even understanding how it all works. This blog post is designed to give you a behind-the-scenes look at how we designed HomeGroup.”


  1. 2009-01-01 9:34 pm
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  2. 2009-01-02 2:01 pm
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