Jorge G. Mare (Koki) has written down his thoughts on Haiku’s presence at SCaLE 6x. “This past weekend Bruno G. Albuquerque, Joe Bushong and myself represented Haiku at the sixth Southern California Linux Expo conference, best known as SCaLE 6x, held on February 9 and 10 in the city of Los Angeles. This was the second year in a row that we organized a presence for Haiku at this event, and since we had so much fun last year, we were all looking forward to doing it again this time around.”
I’m very excited about the Haiku project, this along with the various Amiga incarnations are the most exciting OS’ in my personal opinion.
As for this article, well it seemed to be more about his various breakfast breaks than Haiku itself. Ironic.
It was about his impressions from the trip to SCaLE – not necessarily Haiku
I think adding personal details about a trip to a conference like this helps to convey the overall experience.
BGA is the best speaker since JLG i can listen to him talk for ever and ever =) Bruno, your the next Jobs! (in the good way ofcourse)