“The thought of an internet tablet is, at least at first, a confusing one. It’s not a notebook, or a PDA, or smartphone, but rather an oddity that takes aspects of each and mashes them into a single device. On the surface it is hard to pin down just what the device is. It is not a phone, but it’s made by Nokia and it can be used for making and receiving calls. Similarly, it’s not a notebook, but it is a portable computer than runs Linux. While this may all seem odd at first, the internet tablet is just the product a lot of people have been waiting for, whether or not they know it.”
A lot of stuff that’s already been covered.
Writing style was not really anything to call home about.
While reading, I couldn’t help but to notice how the writer was justfying his purchase and already knew what his conclusion would be, despite some weak attempts to highlight its flaws.
Many contradictions as well; “Will please urban mobilites, but not business users” (sic). Well that’s too bad because urban mobilites with disposable income are usually professionals.
This N800 is a great piece of hardware but it seriously needs some software to make it desirable. Otherwise I would be bored in 30 mins tops.
This is the 7th review of the Nokia N800 posted in OSNews in the last two months:
How many are enough?
Obviously N = 800
Perhaps they’ll stop when somebody writes a good one
Sheesh guys – enough reviews of this device already. We all know its cool bit of kit but now many times do we need to read the same thing?
Imagine, some european people’re still wondering – what that Blueberry is?
indeed I am
Well, I know it’s not a fridge, but that’s about it
Wow, a lot of reviews on this thing.
No idea why.
It’s not a notebook, or a PDA, or smartphone, but rather an oddity that takes aspects of each and mashs them into a single device.
Well, it’s not all that powerful to be a notebook, it’s too big to be a PDA, and is it a normal phone? (Or just VOIP, no normal phone seems pointless)
I’m just wondering why anyone would actually buy it, it does seem like a mish mash of different things, but none of which are all that impressive, and certainly something I wouldn’t buy.
Edited 2007-02-26 23:09
I was wondering the same thing. Everybody seems so awed and fascinated by this device, but I’m left thinking, “Wow, it’s useless and expensive.”