El Reg reviews the Sony Vaio VGC-LA1, and concludes: “Sony has engineered a superbly attractive piece of kit in the LA1 but at this price point we expect something that is far more serious and ideally has a larger screen. As things stand the price would need to come down significantly to make the LA1 really appealing to anyone who values performance and functionality over looks.”
Excuse my ignorance, but this appears to be mostly just a Sony-made iMac wannabe – right?
In other words, not some novel concept (as the article seems to portray initially – although I didn’t read the whole thing)
Personally, I’d rather have a smallish box (mac mini?) sitting NEXT to my monitor than integrated. it would provide a better potential upgrade path, less heat issues, and still be space efficient.
Sony v iMac 20
19″ @ 1680×1050 < > 20″ @ 1680 x 1050
1.83GHz C2D < > 2.16 GHz C2D
GF GO 7400 x 256 (a laptop gpu) < > ATI X1600 x 128(GDDR3)
Wireless, Bluetooth? < > Wireless + Bluetooth
300GB < > 250GB
TV Tuner < > No TV Tuner
£1399 < > £999
The TV Tuner and MCE make the main difference, but still, you could get a tuner for the Mac with the £400 difference, and still have an inch extra screen, or just get the 24″ model, with 1920×1200 res.
umcullough: iMacs weren’t the first all in ones. They have been around for a while. iMacs just happen to be in the same mix. I wouldn’t call it a wannabe, especially at that price point, it’s more expensive than a comparable iMac.
Sony, Gateway, Acer, and IBM make all in ones. IBMs were made by Acer. Sony and Gateway never stopped making them. Look at Sony’s line overall, and you’ll see they’ve had all in ones in their lines every year for quite a while. Gateways and Acers even have AGP & PCI slots in them. My IBM has 2 PCI slots. iMacs have no internal expansion per se (I’m not counting the graphics slot that has nothing available for it).
I personally think Sony’s all in ones from about 2 years ago looked much better. I do own an Acer FP2 all in one (runs BeOS & ZETA great, btw), and an IBM NetVista X41 all in one (eComstation & OS/2 rock on it). Great machines, and they both run about anything I’ve thrown at them (but I have their main OSes in parentheses).
My next all in one will be an iMac 24″, just so I can get rid of 2 of my win boxen and my linux box and consolidate it all into one machine, multibooting and Parallels’ing them.
Edited 2006-10-24 04:34
[joke mode]
Does it come with an exploding battery or just a nice rootkit ?
[serious mode]
How is this ‘OS News’ ? There are dozens of new computer models released everyday. How is this ‘imac clone’ any more special to deserve an article here? If it is faithful to Sony’s way of working, it will be discontinued in a couple of months with a lame excuse about poor sales…
Ah so I guess you wouldn’t mind if we stopped reporting on new Macintosh hardware releases then? After all, they’re just PCs, like this Sony machine, and dozens of PC models get released every day!
Something tells me that if I were to not post a new Macintosh hardware release… You’d scream I’m anti-Apple again.
Hypocrisy. So! Much! Fun!
but b-b-but, thats DIFFERENT somehow! Thats a ‘Mac’! This is just, just, a ‘PC’ *wrinkles nose*
3 things:
1) Why was my comment modded down?
– It doesn’t include personal attacks/offensive language
– It is not off-topic
– It isn’t spam
I guess people are modding others down just because they don’t agree with some opinions…
2) I don’t see a reason to report anything not related to ‘OS News’. And yes, that includes Apple hardware. It doesn’t make sense, in my opinion, all these articles about the new Microsoft Zune, how old the iPod is or the new computer Dell released. I’m a Mac user, not a fanatic.
3) I made a simple comment to an article that I found somewhat boring and offtopic. Nothing wrong with that… Why do you take it as a personal thing? Your reply is a personal attack but its unfair how we are unable to mod you down, don’t you agree?
Edited 2006-10-24 20:00