“During the late 1990s and early 2000s, Apple climbed back to profitability and fame. Apple’s colorful computers put them back into the spotlight, and the iPod diversified Apple’s business successfully, bringing the Apple name to music.” Jobs about the Cube, introduced in that timespan: “The G4 Cube is simply the coolest computer ever. An entirely new class of computer, it marries the Pentium crushing performance of the Power Mac G4 with the miniaturization, silent operation, and elegant desktop design of the iMac.” I definitely agree. Best-looking computer ever made. I want one.
That is a very nice looking machine… Didn’t it have overheating issues though?
Don’t think so. So units had a slight seam where it was molded, though, which deeply offended those in the Quest for Perfection. I believe polishing kits were sold.
My brother had one (probably still in his store room somewhere). Amazing machine. It did have defects though. It had a problem with the power supply and occasionaly decided to reboot or shutdown as a result of this. Not a tottaly uncommon problem apparently.
Didn’t it have overheating issues though?
I read somewhere that it would overheat when some people started stacking things on top of it. Not a clever idea, no, but apparently the cube was too “stack friendly”. 🙂
It looked great and was probably the first computer worthy to be in the middle of your living area but without wireless technologies and widescreen displays, it wasn’t very successful. It was definitely ahead of its time in that respect. With today’s technologies, it would have been much better.
Motorola’s G4 ran out of Pentium crushing performance quickly as they couldn’t manage to put out processors about 550 MHz for the longest time, while Intel kept going fairly easily. Of course, there are upgrades for it now and it’s a desirable machine but that’s the way with history and sentimentality.
If Apple re-introduced it with a Core 2 Duo and GMA 950, would people buy it?
No, I wouldn’t buy a mac mini, if they used something decent instead of 950GMA? Yes.
“but without wireless technologies and widescreen displays, it wasn’t very successful.”
the g4 cude DID have airport and apple DID have LCDs available at the time!
there is only ONE reason the cube was a failure: PRICE! it hit the market @ $1800 base. when it should have listed for $999… or $1099!
i am guessing that apple will bring back the cube eventually, though… just because!
i am guessing that apple will bring back the cube eventually, though… just because!
Maybe if you stack three mini’s on top of eachother in a clear plastic enclosure and squint …
Fun pic : “Your Cube makes a great Mac mini enclosure!” ( http://www.cubeowner.com/forums//index.php?showtopic=9096 )
So many people seem to forget that the G4 Cube was inspired, clearly, by the NeXT Cube – something Jobs had intimate experience with.
Thats because, sadly, most people at this point in time do not remember NeXT at all or simply hav enever heard of it.
quality, taste and innovative ideas survive, that’s it.
If Apple released a new Cube with the specs of an iMac Core 2 Duo it would be my next computer. The mini’s specs just don’t cut it for me and a Pro is just overkill.
Definitely the best designed computer I’ve seen.
I also agree the big issue was the price (in Germany back then around 4500 DM (around 2200 Euro)). I can remeber when Apple dropped the price to 2500 DM during the last days of the cube, people bought dozens of Cubes at our local store within hours.
I remember that one day a customer called me, talking about what a nice looking computer the Cube really is and how much he enjoys it.
I think the development of the cube with it’s fanless design (as far as I can remember the whole thing has been calculated on a supercomputer) took so much money that Apple didn’t had a choice but to make it that expensive.
With todays Intel CPUs, Bluetooth Devices and widely used WLANs a product like the Cube would be more successful.