This repository is associated with the website of the Virtual AGC project, which provides a virtual machine which simulates the AGC, the DSKY, and some other portions of the guidance system. In other words, if the virtual machine—which we call yaAGC—is given the same software which was originally run by the real AGCs, and is fed the same input signals encountered by the real AGCs during Apollo missions, then it will respond in the same way as the real AGCs did.
The Virtual AGC software is open source code so that it can be studied or modified. The repository contains the actual assembly-language source code for the AGC, for as many missions as we’ve been able to acquire, along with software for processing that AGC code. Principal tools are an assembler (to create executable code from the source code) and a CPU simulator (to run the executable code), as well as simulated peripherals (such as the DSKY). Similar source code and tools are provided for the very-different abort computer that resided in the Lunar Module. Finally, any supplemental software material we have been able to find or create for the Saturn rocket’s LVDC computer or for the Gemini on-board computer (OBC) are provided, though these materials are minimal at present.
The Apollo moonlanding project is probably one of the greatest – if not the greatest – technological achievement of mankind. Making sure we have all the tools and code necessary to study the code used is a vital project.
This is absolutely fascinating stuff! Please keep posting things like this as you find it.
If only there was some way to incorporate this into Kerbal Space Program.
If only it were open source!
On the one hand I can see the enjoyment of having an authentic historical experience, but on the other hand is there a practical reason to limit oneself to obsolete historic technology?
Now I can create my own rocket and witness by myself how flat the earth is…
Oh boy, this is one of those topics that google seems to relish suggesting on youtube for some reason. It’s the most willful ignorance I’ve ever seen and is more about people deliberately wanting to reject the community consensus rather than using their damn heads. I’m willing to entertain plenty of conspiracy theories on the basis of slippery evidence and corrupt motives, but when it comes to literally daily science/math/physics, these are things for which the evidence is clear and plentiful and there’s no need to take government officials/NASA at their word for it. Flat earthers suggest that the sun is not visible during the night even though it is in direct line of sight, even a child ought to know better.
If they want a conspiracy, maybe they should try this one: the flat earther movement is a government created conspiracy to occupy and identify stupid people, haha.
I will quote this.