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FreeBSD logo design competition

Unfortunately, the cute FreeBSD daemon is sometimes treated with misunderstanding in the religious and cultural
context. That’s why The FreeBSD Project is announcing a public competition for the new logo design. You can find the rules of the competition in this document. Update: There is now a petition to keep Beastie, however FreeBSD’s own Robert Watson emailed us to inform us that they are “seeking a new logo, but not a new mascot“, so that petition is really reduntant. Update 2: Rob Watson writes:
– The announcement text was an early draft, and the contest hasn’t been announced yet.
– One of the immediate pieces of feedback we got was that we need to make
it more clear: this is not about replacing the beastie!
– We’re looking to create a new logo that can be used with the Beastie, or
by itself. One of the specific concerns we have is that the daemon
renders poorly in print using one-color, two-color, etc, and we need a
vector logo, not just a mascot. Another was finding a logo that could
be conveniently and easily printed by vendors on packaging for products
that support FreeBSD. Not all vendors are willing to stick a Daemon on
their packaging!
– We anticipate releasing the real announcement in the near future, at the URL. When it’s ready, we’ll send out e-mail to
freebsd-announce, and we’ll drop you a direct e-mail.
– Once again we’ve been reminded of an important lesson: don’t put
something on the web site if it’s not ready to be seen. After at least
three premature postings of FreeBSD releases on slashdot due to files
starting to appear on the FTP mirrors even though the announcement
hadn’t been sent, you’d think we’d have learned.

Robert N M Watson


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