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Ten Years of FreeBSD: Anniversary Party a Success

It is 12:10 AM PST (Tuesday morning) now that I write this, we just came back from FreeBSD‘s 10th Year Anniversary Party at the DNA Lounge club in San Francisco. Dig in for info and some pictures.Chuck, the FreeBSD mascotI arrived there with my husband at around 8:10 PM and there were already quite a few people. Entrance was free and in the door there was Elliott Chuang from the Bay Area FreeBSD User Group and he was giving to everyone deamon flashing red ears and a red tail. Also, a live FreeBSD 5 admininstrator’s mini-CD was given too. Some people (like me 🙂 also got the whole FreeBSD 5.1 retail package, all four CDs with the installation manual. While you would buy your own drinks, there was free food (Indian cuisine, delicious) available for all.

In the meantime, people will fill up the dance floor and dance and have some good fun. Obviously this party means a lot to the core team who would joing the dancefloor for some… Trance. I tried to spot Jordan Hubbard, but couldn’t find him around, while the team was expecting Steve Jobs to arrive later (he had RSVP’ed, we were told).

At around 9:20 PM members of the FreeBSD core team would call Murray Stokely (VP of engineering at FreeBSD Mall) to present him with his awards for his hard work on FreeBSD: a jewllery of a sort (which I didn’t quite catch exactly what it was, too much noise 😉 and an iPod courtesy of Apple (which was one of the sponsors of the event along with Yahoo! and OffMyServer). There were also giving away T-shirts to the Core Team and to some attendees (got one too). The T-shirt has the BSD Daemon on the front(picture) and the One Ring from LordOfTheRings on the back with some FreeBSD text instead of the Elvish. Really nice t-shirt. Later in the night, the project would give away two FreeBSD servers to two lucky winners too (we didn’t stay long enough to find out who won the servers though as we had to leave early)!

I don’t think I would have being the winner though, as my luck wasn’t really good last night. My camera didn’t wanna turn on (with brand new batteries) so I could not get any pictures for you. Matt Olander from OffMyServer (the main organizer of the event, very cool guy) promised me some links with some good pictures tomorrow so I will be updating this article when I get these links (update: here are some pics). For now, we have to rely on DNA Lounge’s web camera low-quality images that I grabbed when I got home (the whole show was live via Real Video as well).

Overall this was a very successful party, people had some fun and celebrated FreeBSD’s 10 years. Here’s to many more years, FreeBSD, we wish you the best and see you in 10 years from now again, clubbing and dancing!

The bar
The bar
Matt Olander on the right
Matt Olander on the right
Austin and Murray Stokely
Austin, the Operations Manager, and Murray Stokely
Murray Stokely
Murray Stokely
Dancing people and the main speaker, Austin, of the event at the back
Dancing people and the main speaker, Austin, of the event at the back
One of the DJs
One of the DJs


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