Developed in a magic night of 19 Aug, 2018 between 2am and 8am, the darkriscv is a very experimental implementation of the opensource RISC-V instruction set. Nowadays, after one week of exciting sleepless nights of work (which explains the lots of typos you will found ahead), the darkriscv reached a very good quality result, in a way that the “hello world” compiled by the standard riscv-elf-gcc is working fine!
I feel incompetent.
It only took me >25 years to understand the Turing Machine and Turing-equivalence.
Wow that is pretty long especially considering how easy it was for me to learn all that stuff. Basically what I do in a few minutes takes you years.
No! Apparently, you don’t count most of the time spent developing something as “development time”.
Darkriscv was “developed” in 6 hours, and then took at least a week of fixing all the problems and changing it just to make it work for the simplest “hello world” program, and has been constantly worked on for a fortnight now, and will probably take 5 more years of “not development” before it’s finished being “developed in 6 hours”.
In the same way; you probably “developed” your understanding of turing machines in 2 seconds and then spent 25 years fixing all the problems and changing it. 😉
– Brendan
I admit that even I spent a few seconds checking my knowledge of Turing machines before I was certain that I had it all correct. But since I learned nothing new during that time and since it gave me nothing but a little more certainty that I was correct about everything I usually do not count those seconds as learning.
Also Darkriscv is done the hard way in verilog
There is quite a bit of difference doing a design using with SLSV and UVM.
It is possible to do a RV32I using those tools with development and testing time to fully functional in 2 work days 16 hours working of course computers running through the night running the test suites finding everywhere you have goofed it.
The time fixing with the darkriscv you would blame on not really using the best tools for the job and lack of resources.