It was a glorious sunny day in Wakefield and a very upbeat RISC OS show with lots of interesting hardware and software. You can see some show pictures, and here are my show notes if you were not able to attend.
A detailed description of the Wakefield 2018 RISC OS show.
There is not one person in those pictures that wasn’t computing when OS/2 was still in the running…. just saying
Yeah, some more young blood is needed.
RISC OS is not exactly modern, but it’s amazingly fast and fun to use.
Hey! I used OS/2…. wait…
Actually, what those pictures say to me is “HOLY FREAKIN’ BANDWIDTH STUPIDITY, HAVE YE NAE HEARD OF THUMBNAILS?!?”
People who use “size” attributes on their image tags instead of actual thumbnails should be beaten severely about the head and shoulders with an acoustic coupler.
I mean, the entire site is from the OS/2 era anyway.
Keeping it closed source is quite useless…
Its licensing history is complicated, which from a Free Software point of view is extremely unhelpful.
The actively-developed branch available from is developed in public under a quasi-open Shared Source arrangement. Although it’s not nearly Free, it fits well enough with the (commercial plus binary-only ‘PD’) culture of the platform at its height, that it doesn’t seem to kill off contributors.
Also: it’s been doomed since 1997 and is still running, so I wouldn’t write it off just yet…
So above, I just mentioned how everyone in the photos are old.. it was probably unfair of RISC OS to make it sound like RISC OS is the only casualty here… I don’t even think a Windows event would now draw many younger generation any more as computing itself seems to be dying off as a “passion” and “hobby”.