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What really happened with Vista: an insider’s retrospective

I enjoyed reading Terry Crowley’s thoughtful blog (What Really Happened with Vista). Terry worked in the Office organization and did a fantastic job covering the complex machinations that went into Windows Vista and the related but doomed Longhorn project - from an outsider’s point of view.

He correctly identified many of the problems that dogged the project and I don’t mean to rehash any of them here. I figured it was only fair to try to offer an insider’s view of the same events. I can’t hope to be as eloquent or thorough as Terry but hope to shed some light on what went wrong. Ten years have gone by since the original release date of Windows Vista but the lessons seem more relevant now than ever.

I really enjoy these stories from people involved with the Vista project. Even though we complained left and right about Vista itself, the release was still hugely important and many of Windows NT’s core systems were rewritten from scratch, and we still profit from those reworks and rewrites today.

Doesn’t retroactively make using Vista any less painful, though.


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