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Apple IIgs System 6.0.3 released

On the heels of the recent 6.0.2 [ed. note: and I posted it again because I’m dumb] build of the Apple IIgs System Disk set, comes the next revision. Many loose ends have been tied up and documentation has been updated with changes described in detail.

This release has been packaged as six 800K disk images in BXY format (Shrinkit Compatible Binary II Encoded), .PO format, and as a versatile 32MB ‘Live Installer in .PO format that boots to Finder for immediate access to all portions of the System Software and installing without the need of mounting multiple images or swapping floppies. This image can also be installed to a 32MB partition, CD ROM, etc.

An absolutely amazing initiative, and so far, it seems like it’s sticking. Awesome.


  1. 2015-08-04 1:37 am
  2. 2015-08-04 10:24 am
    • 2015-08-04 11:39 am
    • 2015-08-04 5:57 pm
      • 2015-08-05 8:45 am