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A-EON Reveals AmigaOne X1000 Processor… Through Cake

A few moments ago, a woman appeared at my doorstep with a package for me. Since it was about 19:30, I was a little perplexed – this isn’t a very usual time to be delivering packages. Also, this was a woman who I’ve seen walking around town before – she’s a local. She handed over the package, and when I saw the note on top, I was even more intrigued: “From Trevor Dickinson, A-EON Technology“.

A couple of months ago, Dickinson contacted me, stating A-EON wanted to send me a package. It’s taken a little longer than expected, but that’s the package which arrived just now, on my doorstep. I know that said package would have something to do with the processor inside the AmigaOne X1000, but that’s it.

Dickinson asked me to video or photograph the process of me opening the package. I actually made a nice HD video while opening the package, but sadly, since that camera is broken, the video file ended up being a 0kb dummy file. In other words, we’ll have to settle for photos.

And here they are. Feast your eyes on this.

I literally nearly died of laughter when I ‘read’ the cake. I’m sure there are very few who will understand this (other than a small few in the Amiga community), so let me explain. It’s crazy.

You see, about a year ago, there was a considerable amount of speculation going on about what processor would be used inside the AmigaOne X1000, the new high-end Amiga A-EON Technology is working on together with Hyperion (the company behind AmigaOS4). All the rumours and discussions always led to one candidate: P.A. Semi’s PWRficient PA6T processor – the dual-core 16xxM to be exact.

Considering P.A. Semi had been bought by Apple about a year prior, I figured it would be impossible for A-EON to get their hands on this exotic PowerPC processor. “I can assure you all, with 110% certainty, that the X1000 will NOT carry a processor from PA Semi,” I wrote on Amigaworld, “If it turns out it does, I will eat my socks, and post the video as proof. You may hold me to this.”

So, when I opened the box just now, I really couldn’t stop laughing. I think this is quite possibly the coolest and most original way any company has ever announced which processor they will use for their computer. Of course, evidence has been stacking up the past year, and I was getting ready to do something with the sock-remark anyway once A-EON would make it official, but still – this is way cooler.

Another fun fact is that the cake has been made by Nina Goudsblom, a local cake artist here in my hometown, which makes this all the more special to me because despite years and years of friends calling me crazy, I refuse to move away from my small hick town in the middle of nowhere. I’m sending Nina an email to thank her for her beautiful work.

So, the AmigaOne X1000 will be powered by a PWRficient PA6T 16xxM dual-core processor. Thanks, A-EON en Trevor for the wonderful cake – I’ll be sure to enjoy it with my family over Christmas. I’m not sure if this constitutes a blogging breach of ethics, but if it does – hah, at least it’s a tasty breach!


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