Syllable CMS Ported to Syllable Desktop

The CMS that builds the Syllable websites was used on Syllable Server so far, but has now been ported to Syllable Desktop. This was done by porting it to REBOL 3. This screenshot shows Desktop building its own website in static batch mode and synchronising it with Amazon S3. This screenshot shows the Webster browser previewing the built site as local files. Building the websites on Syllable Server is around 35% faster with REBOL 3 than with REBOL 2. A few longstanding problems in the Russian website and Syllable documentation were fixed because REBOL 3 now understands Unicode.

The CMS now runs on both REBOL3 and REBOL2. Due to the redesign of the language, there are some incompatibilities between them. Fortunately, REBOL is used to dealing with different languages, because it is its own meta language. REBOL3 and REBOL2 are effectively two dialects of the same language. Forward compatibility facilities have been added to recent releases of REBOL2, so that it has some of the same features as REBOL3. Other differences have been neutralised in the CMS by a small set of compatibility functions.

The Syllable websites are currently static sites, hosted on the Amazon S3 cloud. The CMS can also run as a dynamic platform. For example, the Try REBOL website runs on Syllable Server as a dynamic web app in the same processes as the Cheyenne web server. Because Cheyenne runs on REBOL2 it is currently not available on Syllable Desktop, but something halfway could be done there since the CMS also has a CGI interface. Once the CGI code of the CMS is ported to REBOL3, as well, it could run in CGI mode on one of the web servers available for Syllable Desktop.


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