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Humane Reader is a $20 8-bit PC for TVs

Humane PC and its Humane Reader child are open source hardware projects with some seriously low-cost internal components. At volume the PC could retail for as low as $20, and that’s with 2GB of microSD storage, USB / PS/2 plugs, and video out. The PC is primarily designed to output low-res, black and white text to a TV, making it a low cost reader for developing countries, and the Humane Reader project pre-loads the device with thousands of Wikipedia articles (much in the vein of the OpenMoko WikiReader).


  1. 2010-07-26 7:05 am
    • 2010-07-28 3:32 pm
  2. 2010-07-26 1:23 pm
  3. 2010-07-27 3:19 am