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CentOS Project Administrator Goes Missing-in-Action

The CentOS project, the Linux distribution aimed at the enterprise built from Red Hat’s freely available source code, has hit a significant bump in the road: the project’s main administrator, Lance Davis, has gone missing-in-action. This is kind of a problem as Davis is the sole administrator fo the domain, the IRC channels – and the CentOS funds.

The other members of the CentOS team detailed the project’s predicament in an open letter on the CentOS website:

This is an Open Letter to Lance Davis from fellow CentOS Developers

It is regrettable that we are forced to send this letter but we are left with no other options. For some time now we have been attempting to resolve these problems:

You seem to have crawled into a hole … and this is not acceptable.

You have long promised a statement of CentOS project funds; to this date this has not appeared.

You hold sole control of the domain with no deputy; this is not proper.

You have, it seems, sole ‘Founders’ rights in the IRC channels with no deputy ; this is not proper.

When I (Russ) try to call the phone numbers for UK Linux, and for you individually, I get a telco intercept ‘Lines are temporarily busy’ for the last two weeks. Finally yesterday, a voicemail in your voice picked up, and I left a message urgently requesting a reply. Karanbir also reports calling and leaving messages without your reply.

Please do not kill CentOS through your fear of shared management of the project.

Clearly the project dies if all the developers walk away.

Please contact me, or any other signer of this letter at once, to arrange for the required information to keep the project alive at the ‘’ domain.


Russ Herrold
Ralph Angenendt
Karanbir Singh
Jim Perrin
Donavan Nelson
Tim Verhoeven
Tru Huynh
Johnny Hughes

Let’s hope that Davis can be found, and that the problems here can be resolved without further damage to either Davis or the CentOS project.


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