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GNU, Psystar, Charlie

And another week passes us by. This week we were informed about two projects replacing some GNU software with alternatives, FreeBSD, KDE,, and Windows 7 did new releases, Psystar replied to Apple’s allegations (and the Apple world completely ignored it), and Chrome users were the most up-to-date with their browsers. This week’s my take is a prelude to the one for next week.

Week in Review

Personally, my most significant news items this week had to do with two major projects replacing some GNU software with alternatives. The Debian project is aiming to replace GLIBC with EGLIBC, due to the rather unfriendly and uncooperative attitude of GLBIC’s maintainer. At the same time, FreeBSD is working closely with the LLVM boys and girls, which may one day mean a switch away from GCC, preferring Clang instead. This is pretty significant, as the GNU compiler tools are more or less the assumed default.

We also had two stories about storms in teacups. Early in the week we handled the way overblown “Internet Explorer 8 as default” controversy, which turned out to be a case of self-proclaimed expert users unable to read dialogs properly. Later in the week we had a similar case about XPM and Intel processor support. Supposedly, to many it was news that XPM required virtualisation extensions – even though this was made clear from the get-go.

Another item that has really started to irk me over the week was the letter Psystar’s lawyer sent in reply to Apple’s accusations. The letter made some very valid points, but to my own very, very sad surprise, absolutely none of the major Apple news sites covered it, despite the fact that they did cover Apple’s letter. This all is just further evidence of the decay in quality on Apple reporting. Heck, even Ars’ Infinite Loop, which I hold in high regard when it comes to Apple reporting, failed to mention the letter.

If you cover Apple’s letter, then you should cover Psystar’s defense as well. That’s just plain fair. On OSNews, whenever any of the editors writes an editorial with harsh opinions, we have no qualms about reporting rebuttals. When I wrote a rather unfriendly article about KDE4, Aaron Seigo’s reply to that was properly published on OSNews as well, to give our readers both sides of the story – even though I didn’t agree with Seigo back then (Seigo commended me on that, by the way). It’s sad Apple websites are apparently unable to show such fairness.

We also saw some nice releases this week. FreeBSD 7.2 was put out in the wild, and the Windows 7 RC soon followed. 3.1 was also released, as well as KDE 4.2.3.

Mark Shuttleworth made a few comments on Wine, and picking up from that we asked our readers what their experiences with Wine were. We also learned that Chrome users are most up-to-date with their browser thanks to Chrome’s silent update functionality.

To finish this Week in Review off, Jordan reviewed the Asus EeePC 1000 HE.

My Take: Two and a Half Men

I’ll dive into this excellent comedy series more in-depth next week, but let’s kick off with this brilliant scene, favourite of my friends and I.

I’ll detail next week why I love this series so much.


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