“Novell today is rolling out the newest edition of its flagship enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 and SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 11. The new releases are the first major updates since the SLES and SLED 10 releases in July of 2006. With SLES 11, Novell is also providing a baseline image so software vendors can easily build appliances. The concept is something know as a JeOS (Just enough Operating System) and has been trumpeted by Novell as the future of operating systems.”
I have to do a Linux enterprise desktop rollout fairly soon and it would be interesting to see whether Novell has decided to support the kde4 line.
4.1.4 + patches
Actually it’s 4.1.3 + patches to make KDE 4.1 usable for the average SLED customer. We have a version freeze point in the development cycle that dictates the choice to take 4.1.3. If you’ve seen openSUSE 11.1 you know how it looks, plus a few months more bugfixing.
The patches are
* branch patches making it largely equivalent to 4.1.4
* selected backports from KDE 4.2 such as
** Plasma layouting fixes
** PowerDevil
** NetworkManager-kde4
** all of kwin desktop effects)
Plus the usual default look and feel work, Aya as Plasma theme, Ozone windeco SuSE logo as start menu etc.
Well, I have been using KDE 4.2 for the past month and have been testing it on a small group (15 people) of users and they are, for the first time, raving about a non-Microsoft product.
There are small gotchas here and there, but KDE 4 is a much better product than KDE3 ever was, even if it isn’t as mature in some areas. But guess what? We can pick and choose.
For instance, we still use the kde3 version of k3b and have settled on evolution as the email client for now.
Have you actually used kde 4.2? If these were very conservative users, I would have gone to Debian and KDE 3.5.10, which is a very good and mature product, but there are lots of improvements to the overall fit and finish of the desktop in kde4 that make it more appropriate for this specific deployment.
Hope that sheds some light on my question.
It’s a bit of a shame as KDE 4.2 brings a lot of goodness to the table.
It would be good to know whether SLED will eventually be upgraded to kde4.2 or 4.3 as I can’t imagine sitting on 4.1 for five years.
Let me know if you think that this will be the case.
That’s under consideration, is all that I can say right now.
If you are serious about a KDE SLED deployment, tell your sales contact your needs.
You have to do an enterprise desktop rollout fairly soon and you are looking to KDE4????
Some personal desktop users I can kind of understand wanting to be early adopters. But an enterprise rollout of KDE4 when even personal-desktop oriented distros like PCLinuxOS don’t think it’s ready yet?
Who put you in charge of this project?!
I would strongly recommend waiting until it’s cooked.
Edited 2009-03-24 20:42 UTC
Why is this not on the front page?
Which front page?
You mean here http://www.microsoft.com ?
I don’t know, maybe because Novell and Microsoft didn’t release version 3.0 of their patents agreement.
BTW, if you want to run .NET applications I think that Windows is a better option.
Edited 2009-03-24 19:19 UTC
I’m pretty sure he means ‘as opposed to Page 2 on OSNews’.
In any case, I don’t really know what the answer to that question would be, or even what it could be. Someone, (Thom, I suppose) made a judgment call, and put it on the second page. Perhaps this one is a bit borderline, but even so, who really cares? If you use RSS, like me, you get front page and page 2 news all the same. And you clearly found the article, so it wasn’t an impediment in that case.
I suppose I would agree, though, that this article is probably higher in importance than others found on Front page; 25 Years of Mac? Analysts indecisive (over Android)? A review of the IBM x41? A new release of one of the major Linux distros does seem, to me, at least, to be significantly higher in importance.
But then I don’t have to make those judgment calls, or listen patiently to my whiny users every time they disagree over such a trivial matter.
In other words: Let it go, man. Just let it go…
Page 1 stories require the submitters/editors to actually write something, and not just copy/paste a blurb from another website.
Page 2 stories are just copy/paste blurbs.
If there’s no “Read More” link at the bottom of the blurb, it’s not a Page 1 story.