“A number of folks have asked me what tools and techniques I use to reverse engineer Cocoa executables. I thought it would be worth taking some time out from documenting undocumented APIs to show you how easy it is to do the same thing for yourself. […] With all these tools in your arsenal, reverse engineering Cocoa executables is actually very simple. In fact, it’s a good deal more straightforward than most Windows executables, with the exception of Delphi and .NET where – like Cocoa – a good deal of runtime type information is contained within the executable.”
Another would be hacker thinking he is boy wonder by finding out some private API calls whilst ignoring the havoc that it releases on the user when an update is provided to Mac OS X and compatibility is broken.
Then again, cue the conspiracy theory nuts who think that there are secret API’s which operating system vendor hold back from third party developers simply because they are evil.
How dare they make parts of their classes private! What up with that right? Why can’t their classes be friends with everyone? Spread the love, yo.
Hare Krishna.
Steve Nygard’s a great guy. I enjoyed working with him immensely.
Thanks for the great article.
Looks intuitive and useful – if anyone was interested and hadn’t read the comments on the article (specifically Paul Langlais’ comment).
It’s been around for 8 years practically.
uh if you were to figure out all the undocumented class apis in osx you could make gnustep 100% source compatible with osx. You could also combine gnustep with a binary loader and make it into a wine style project for loading mac osx binaries.
Despite all the Objective-C propaganda it was interesting to note (according to the article) that CoreUI was actually written in C++.
Does anyone know of any other Cocoa framework bundled in MacOS X that is written in C++?