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Awk and Sed One-Liners Explained

If you have ever been interested in awk and sed Unix utilities, then you probably know about the awk1line.txt and sed1line.txt files that are floating around the Internet. Each file contains around 80 idiomatic sed and awk one-liners for performing various text modification tasks.

Making my way through them was not easy and I decided to write two articles explaining every one-liner in these files. It took me several months to finish them, but now I am proud that I did it.

Here is the Awk One-Liners Explained article: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four (bonus).

And here is the Sed One-Liners Explained article: Part One, Part Two, Part Three.

My future plans are to publish a free ebook with all the one-liners. If you are interested, please visit my site after a few months. I’ll publish it there.


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