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JNode 0.2.8 Released

The JNode project has released a new version of their Java-based operating system. Apart from a small nanokernel written in assembler, JNode is written entirely in Java. The reason for undertaking this effort is to provide those that like the idea of a Java operating system something to work with. Obviously, version 0.2.8 improves JNode in several areas.

The areas of improvement are neatly summarised in the release announcement:

The main focus of this release is general stability improvements and bug fixes and also reflects the current status of several major features in active development such as: isolates, Bjorne shell and complete support for HFS+. Significant progress has been made with the integration of the remaining parts of OpenJDK and the JNode class library has been updated to OpenJDK6 b13. JNode now builds with both JDK 1.6 and OpenJDK6+IceadTea and by the means of Linux and KVM it’s possible to set up a well performing and completely free open source development and test environment. Mauve based regression testing is being introduced and various test-suites consolidated into a distributed automatic regression testing infrastructure. As a result of these activities real world applications and frameworks like Jetty, Quercus, Groovy, JEdit and many others are getting usable under JNode.

The changelog provides a more detailed overview of the changes, and you can also take a look at some screenshots. Get the new release from the download page.


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