And yet another release of the GNUstep live CD, version 1.8 this time. “GNUstep (this is a live CD, an operating system, a distribution) contains a lot of software for GNUstep, a free implementation of the OPENSTEP framework (which was also the base as Cocoa in Mac OS X).”
i’ve always had a soft spot for gnustep. this’ll be fun to try out.
on somewhat of a side note… after all of the rumblings last year, i wonder if the etoile guys are actually going to put out something usuable.
the ideas behind the etoile project seem to be just what gnustep needs to attract new users.
on somewhat of a side note… after all of the rumblings last year, i wonder if the etoile guys are actually going to put out something usuable.
We are still working on it..
Basically last year was less productive than we hoped, as many of us were swamped by work… instead of finalizing a new livecd though we released the 0.2 and worked on the core toolkits, as they’ll have a big impact on the application side.
So, a lot was done, but more on core toolkits than on applications or anything easily demonstrable to people… we also recently had a
hackaton in swansea ( ).
This huge work on core toolkits is reaching stages where it’s starting to be useful, and really cool stuff are going to be possible with things like CoreObject (automatic serialisation/ branching, etc.) and EtoileUI.
So I guess you should expect more “visible” things in a not too distant future
Edited 2008-04-10 15:16 UTC
the April 3 version (1.6) didn’t boot for me
I hope the work on SimpleWebKit really pays off. I’d love to use GnuStep as a complete solution but it really needs a browser.
I could live without a native office suite, but the browser is a must have for me.
Anyways, good work GNUStep guys.
it is being worked on…
Is it simply for developing applications, or is it one day going to be a complete desktop environment?
Don’t get me wrong, I think GNUstep’s great but the project seems to have something of an identity crisis. Applications developed with it seem to adhere too strictly to NeXT style to work well in any desktop environment except a GNUstep one. Yet there is no GNUstep window manager. If you want GNUstep, you have to settle for an awkward kludge of GNUstep and WindowMaker.
At the same time though, there’s no effort to better integrate GNUstep applications with the likes of GNOME and KDE. So what is GNUstep? Once again, I’m not criticising, I’m genuinely curious.
I too am a bit concerned about the “real” identity of GNUstep, although I find Gorm really interesting and superior to other similar environments like Glade and QT Designer (which nowadays I still use today).
About the desktop integration, the application sent by GNUstep developers to the Google Summer of Code contained the topic “better integration with other desktop environments”. It seems that somebody is interested in this:
Let’s hope that this year the GSoC will be better for GNUStep than the previous edition!
Well, yes, it will become a complete environment. But that needs time and effort. I already use it every day…
About integration. GNUstep applications will integrate among themselves more. But do GNOME application integrate with KDE? Not in my experience. Also integration of other applications on Mac for example is limited. Sure where it can be done it will be done, but having the applications is more important.
You notice the problem more on GNUstep because there are less applications available and you need to resort using alien programs.
as a “Knoppix-substitute” for browsing / email..? I mean, really only for curiousity since I am no dev. But I wouldn’t want to D/L if cannot do anything at all with it
Still won’t boot in VirtualPC, unfortunately.
World, US$ 1.95
Switzerland, CHF 99.00
Europe and North America, EUR 4.95”
seems like the developers don’t like swiss people!
Are you sure those aren’t chocolate francs, since Swiss chocolate is so good?
I’m looking forward to getting to work with GNUStep on my Linux machine and seeing how compatible my own Mac OS X applications are.
strange, since the developer of the LiveCD is Swiss!