As Amiga Inc is about to re-enter the computer arena with new AmigaOS4 powered desktop systems as well as with 3rd party embedded products utilizing AmigaDE technology pre-installed, there are a growing number of people who wonder what an advanced classic AmigaOS currently offers. This was an important reason for me to write a simple to understand WinUAE tutorial, so this would hopefully help interested people with setting up a fun and easy to use emulated AmigaOS environment on widely available mainstream Windows computers. This article also includes many WinUAE screenshots and information on acquiring and using freely available software.
Minimal requirements for this tutorial:
– Any Windows 9x/2K/XP powered 200+ MHz PC with DirectX 7 or better installed.
– 20 MB free harddisk space; note however that Windows may need much more free space itself for usage as virtual memory in order to function properly.
– Graphics card with at least 2 MB of RAM.
– AmigaOS 3.0/3.1
Notice: As AmigaOS will run emulated on top of Windows, the better Windows runs on your system, the better the Amiga experience will be. Running without a demanding host OS, as done with Amithlon (commercial), results in a much better AmigaOS performance and a far more convincing and stable environment. Amithlon was previously included with the AmigaOS XL package, but version 2.0, will soon become available seperately. However, do note that WinUAE is a better option for emulating classic OCS/ECS games and demos, as Amithlon itself only supports retargetable standards.
Acquiring AmigaOS 3.0/3.1 legally.
Option 1: Getting the ROMs from an Amiga you own.
Option 2: Buying Amiga Forever from Cloanto. ($29.95)
For this tutorial version 3.0 or 3.1 of the Amiga Operating System is required. Version 3.0 was first released with A1200 and A4000 computers in 1992. The A1200 was targeted at ordinary home users and computer hobbyists, while the A4000 was mainly aimed at professional graphics and video artists. Today the A1200 is still available in small quanities at various Amiga dealers. In 1993 AmigaOS 3.1 was released as an upgrade option for all Amiga models (OCS/ECS/AGA chipsets) build since 1987 or later.
On classic Amiga computers AmigaOS consists of two pieces. A hardware piece called the kickstart ROM which contains the kernel, some drivers and some other system libraries. Mainly due to this ROM classic Amigas are able to boot directly into advanced games and even applications from diskettes or CDs. The complete icon and menu driven environment however comes distributed on seperate diskettes or on a CD.
Option 1:
If you currently own an Amiga computer, you can use an utility which comes distributed with the Amiga emulator WinUAE to write an image of your ROM to disk. This utility is called “transrom” and is located in the “Amiga programs” directory where WinUAE would be installed. This process is well explained well in this transrom tutorial.
Also needed for this tutorial is an ADF (Amiga Disk File) image from one of the Operating System diskettes labelled “Workbench version 3.0” or 3.1. For this, you can use the “transdisk” utility which is also included with WinUAE. The command “TransDisk >ram:mydisk.adf” will simply write 900k disk image files of the disk that is located in DF0: (normally the internal diskdrive) to your RAM. When you have these image files, you can use CrossDOS (Included with AmigaOS) to copy the files to high density Windows formatted diskettes or you can transfer them to your PC over a Network.
Option 2:
If you do not own an Amiga, you can obtain a legal copy of all classic Kickstart ROMs (1.0-3.1) and complete 1.3 and 3.1 versions (ADFs) of the Amiga operating system, from Cloanto’s Amiga Forever software package. This package also includes good networking software and a licensed version of Picasso96 software.
Store the required kickstart image file and workbench ADF on your PC’s hard drive.
First you will need to download the latest version of WinUAE. I used version 0.8.21R4. WinUAE is the Win32 version of the multi-platform Amiga emulator UAE. UAE stands for UNIX Amiga Emulator, although the “U” origionally stood for “Unusable,” as in 1996 on a 90Mhz Pentium, it still was about one third as fast at emulation as the first released 7 MHz A1000 from 1985. The Windows version is currently the most user friendly version available and due to new JIT emulation techniques is reasonable fast for AmigaOS emulation.
After executing the installer, you will be asked for a location for WinUAE to be stored; for this tutorial, it is preferred that you leave the given location unchanged. After hitting the install button, WinUAE is installed on your system within 1 or 2 seconds.
Now you will need to download Amiga In a Box. AIAB is a small and freely available package of utilities which are designed to enhance the user experience of version 3.0 or 3.1 of AmigaOS. Grab the latest version of AIAB.exe from the download section (currently version r10c). After executing the installer, several options will be shown. Leave them unchanged and hit the next button. Now you need to make sure that the location where WinUAE was installed is identical to this given location. Hit the install button, and soon you can let either AIAB search for the kickstart file, or if this fails, point to the right location manually.
Now start the emulator by double clicking the new AIAB shortcut located on the desktop. After starting the emulator, you will see that the emulator has numerous tabs and options. Don’t worry too much though; if you follow this tutorial closely, you will have a fully configured AmigaOS running on your PC within several minutes.
You will now see the configurations tab, now select “HD-Games” and press the “load” button. You have now loaded a configuration file and we are going to make some small adjustments. Under the “Display” tab, select Scanline under the “Line Mode” group. The settings shown at this tab will be used when software tries to open on a seperate screen. As PCs have trouble with displaying ordinary TV screen resolutions, a Line Mode trick is used to make sure that the screen won’t look too disformed. Using black scanlines between the original lines results closer to the display of a real Amiga as compared to Doubling each line. The disadvantage is however that the end result will look darker and less sharp than on a real Amiga. However there are more severe disadvantages by using the Doubled mode, as this would result into more blocky graphics than compared to those on a real Amiga and also needs noticably more computing resources, sometimes resulting in jerkey scrolling or on occasions slowdowns on lower-end PCs. If you don’t have a Joystick or Gamepad on your PC, then go to the “Game and I/O Ports” and change the “Amiga Mouse Port 1” setting to “Keyboard layout ‘B.'” With most games the CTRL key will be used as a firebutton and the arrow keys will be used for directions. Now go back to the “Configurations” tab and press the “save” button. The previous settings are now overwritten with the new configuration.
Now go to the “Chipset” tab and select “AGA,” then return to the “Configurations” tab and change the name to”HD-Games (AGA)” and press the “save” button again. Now you have created a new configuration file for using AGA software. Emulating the AGA chipset is far more demanding and therefore it would be preferred not to use this setting for running solely ECS/OCS software. Also should be noted that AGA emulation still isn’t very mature so that many AGA software titles will still not work under WinUAE.
Remember where you stored your Workbench ADF. Load the “HD-Games” configuration file again and press the “OK” button. You will soon be asked by an AmigaOS requester to insert your workbench disk. Then press F12 to bring back the WinUAE properties again and then go to the “Floppies” tab to select a button displaying three dots on the same height as df0:, select the path to the location where your workbench ADF is stored and then press the “OK” button. Wait and after a while you will be asked to select a screenmode. Later on, you can also change the screenmode from within AmigaOS itself to higher resolutions. For now, choose “800×600 16Bit PC” and press the “save” button. Now just follow through the given options (BTW I use the ProLite IconSet). Before rebooting AmigaOS, be sure to remove the “Workbench disk” from your virtual df0: diskdrive by hitting the eject button under the “Floppies” tab. and you will boot into your newly installed AmigaOS environment
Read the Welcome guide and experiment a little, if you want. From here you can configure just about the entire Graphical User Interface. This is well explained in the provided documentation. Personally, I dislike startbars, so for me that is the first thing I deleted and use the good old included Toolmanager application launcher intstead. AmigaOS4 will use a similar but more easier to set up docking program called AmiDock. Furthermore, I use the included mac1 pointer, the included BeOS inspired GUI look and finally a background image downloaded from, the central Amiga community portal.
The Amiga has been the main birthing ground for “Pubic Domain,” “Freeware” and “Shareware” applications, gaming and demo Scenes. This is an important reason why there are over 50,000 software titles written for the Amiga platform. Of these, over 5000 games were written for the Amiga platform, a large majority of these were targeted at low-end 7Mhz OCS/ECS Amiga systems from mid-late 80s and early 90s. Regardless of what the age may suggest to you, even these early machines are very powerful systems for 2D games and at the time State-of-the-Art for 3D gaming as well.
Sadly, most Amiga arcade conversions are not as good as compared to the arcade originals. At the time this was mainly a result of companies wanting people to spend lots of cash at arcades halls instead of just buying an Amiga conversion. Take for instance the Amiga conversion of the arcade classic The New Zealand Story,” which despite of being an excellent game on the Amiga, offers less colorful graphics than the 8-bit coin-up original! This despite to the fact that any Amiga could easily handle identical graphics as well. Luckily, there are good arcade emulators like MAME available for most platforms, including for Amigas. To understand how powerful low-end or high-end Amigas models were at the time, you need to look for software directly targeted at the Amiga platform. A good place to start is the AIAB website which is offering several Amiga classics including Lemming, Walker and Shadow of the Beast free for download. Another good location for games is, as it offers a very large quantity of ex-commercial Amiga games. Note however that permissions were given specificly to these websites for distributing these software titles.
Also fans of Boulderdash/Emerald Mine type games are well served at the Emerald Web website. Here there are hunderds of clones being offered freely for download. Finally the center of most freely distributable Amiga software is Aminet, an enormous file archive where new Amiga related files are being uploaded on a daily basis.
Some last WinUAE emulation tips and information:
– Windows PCs are not able to handle emulated Amiga screens very well. Therefore most AIAB applications are configured to be displayed on the desktop screen instead of opening their own screens. On real Amigas it is often preferable to use a separate screen specificly configured for the application so that you would always get a full screen application with the resolution and color depth for which the software was designed. However if you switch between different screens using different display properties under WinUAE, you will get a black screen (sometimes you will shortly see the underlying Windows desktop as well) for a couple of seconds which can be very annoying for Amiga users. It is better to either make sure that the same display properties have been selected for all screens or to mainly use the main desktop screen.
– Screen dragging: The ability to display different screen resolutions and color depths within one monitor display is not possible on modern PC hardware. Only classic Amigas and some early graphic cards are able to support this functionality. This feature eventually wasn’t supported by any graphic card anymore because no other OS was able to support this feature.
– For good links to forums and information regarding UAE and Amiga games, take a look at the TOP 10 Amiga Game Sites and topsites. Other active English languaged Amiga emulation forums are Amiga Emulation Talk, UAE Discussion board, EAB WinUAE board or forums on more general Amiga orientated websites like and
– When downloading software you will encounter several icon styles, some are drawn with 4 colors as this saves system resources on old un-upgraded Amiga models. Another widely used Icon style is MagicWB which only uses 8 colors but looks good and works fast on i.e. un-upgraded A1200 systems. AIAB uses NewIcons with up to 256 colors. Truckloads of free NewIcons can be found on Aminet and on specific Icon websites like Zapaticons. GlowIcons are similar to NewIcons but are IMO less “cute” and offer a “glow” effect when they are selected. AmigaOS3.5 (1999) and AmigaOS3.9 (2000) introduced an updated icon.library and therefor many icons found on the internet (i.e. these great game Icons) cannot be used directly with AmigaOS 3.0/3.1. Advise: If you like AmigaOS, upgrade to AmigaOS 3.9-2. (2002)
– Some games don’t run properly when the JIT emulation is enabled. (Examples are IK+, Lemmings, Stunt Car Racer and Deliverance) You can disable JIT emulation at any time during the emulation by setting the “Cache Size” slider under the “JIT Settings” group on the “CPU” tab to 0-Megs. Don’t forget to re-adjust these settings when you return to AmigaOS, as the emulation would slowdown considerably.
– If at any time a game is running too slow you can alter the “Refresh” slider under the “Display” tab.
– You can add internet support by enabling the BSDsocket.library emulation at the “Misc” tab.
– Now that you have AmigaOS running you may wonder what AmigaOS looks like on ordinary Amigas or what you can do to customize its look and functionality. Here are several screenshots along with more information by AmigaOS users.
Within the following sections I will give pointers to locations where good freely available Amiga software can be found. I will also include brief descriptions and emulation tips if necessary. Note however that there are also many good commercial software titles available at more than one hundred Amiga dealers around the world. You can add CD support at WinUAE’s “Hard Drives” tab.
AmIRC 3.x
A very configurable and simple to use IRC client. You can chat with usage of different text colours, sound effects and text styles. URLs are clickable and will be opened with your preferred browser. AmIRC is shareware, so you may only test this application for 30 days with only 30 minute sessions before the program quits itself. The cost for registration is £20.You can download the latest version from VaporWare. This program is also included with AIAB’s “Internet Tools” upgrade package. A completely freeware, but less advanced IRC alternative for AmigaOS is ChatBox. Screenshot.
Directory Opus 4.x
A completely free, powerful and easy to use file manager which includes excellent drag and drop functionalities. This application allows you to easily manage files and add all kinds of additional functionality. The source code is publicly available and is still being actively developed. A copy is already included with AIAB. For more information, read the Directory Opus 4 research project website. DOpus Magellan is a program offering similar functionalities but seamlessly integrates this into the AmigaOS environment. Hyperion has licensed DOpus Magellan source code to be used with AmigaOS4.x.
Fully featured FTP client with drag and drop functionalities. You can download the latest version from VaporWare. mFTP is shareware, you may fully test this software for 30 days. This program is also included with AIAB’s “Internet Tools” upgrade package. A freeware alternative is ATC.
Perfect Paint 2.x
A very useful freeware painting program with lots of effects and even animation support. You can download this application and additional scripts from PP’s website. Read the requirements section, as you will need to download some additional libraries from Aminet (if you don’t have them installed already). Furthermore to get this application to run you need to drop the fonts drawer into your virtual “Workbench:” partition.
A freeware ICQ client. For information on setting up this software, turn to the homepage. This program is also included with the AIAB’s “Internet Tools” upgrade package. For an open source alternative there is Jabberwocky, an Amiga jabber client.
Toolmanager 3.x
Allows you to easily start software with the use of hotkeys, customize the tool menu or launch software with the use of pictures on the Workbench or on separately dragable Dock windows with “click picture to start program” and drag and drop functionalities. Toolmanager has been one of the progams I have used on nearly a daily basis since v1.5 in 1991. The screenshot shows a dock configured to use 4 columns, but you can have these picture buttons displayed horizontally or vertically anywhere on your desktop. You can also add multiple docks. This high degree of flexibility and powerful features comes at a price though; newbees will have trouble figuring out how to set up Toolmanager correctly. You can download the program here from Aminet.
Voyager 3.x
A fairly decent and configurable Internet browser with Javascript support and a Macromedia Shockwave and Flash compatible Player. Voyager is shareware and you may freely test it for 30 days. Registration will cost £25. This program is also included with the AIAB’s “Internet Tools” upgrade package. There are currently two other decent internet browsers being actively developed for AmigaOS. The source code for AWeb was recently released to the public; for more information on this, see the AWeb Open Source project website. However IBrowse is, in my opinion, the best Amiga browser and luckily a greatly enhanced version will become available for AmigaOS4. A freeware alternative is the text-only browser Alynx.
WHDLoad 15.x
A very friendly harddisk install and enhancement/fixing package for old Amiga software. Much old software in the past used disks formatted with a custom file system to prevent this software from being copied. Sadly, that would often mean that the game could not be installed on a harddisk as well. WHDLoad supports already over one thousand install programs for original Amiga games, but this program does not only install them to your harddisk (which results in immense loadup speed imporvements), but often also removes annoying copy protections, bugs and adds high score savings or other cool enhancements. IMO a must have application for every Amiga games freak. A fully functional shareware version is included with the AIAB package. By registering you would need to pay 20 US$ or 20 EUR and after that you will receive a keyfile which will hide a requester page before loading the software.
Mira-WizARC 1.x
This is a very easy to use program which functions as a GUI frontend for several archiving utilities for extracting or compressing LHA, LZX, ZIP, DMS, TAR, and GZIP files. This program is standardly included and pre-configured with AIAB! Simply click on the archive icon and the content will immediately be opened by WizARC. If you aren’t using AIAB, you can download the program from Aminet here.
YAM 2.x
Yet Another Mailer is an open source and freely available mailing program which supports multiple users and search functions. You can download this excellent program from Aminet here.
The following software titles are some of my favorite freely distributable PD Scene (Freeware, Shareware, etc) games. These are all full games without any limitation. The bedroom programmer Scene flourished on the Amiga; many innovative game concepts originated from these Amiga game developrs. For instance a multi-platform hit title like Worms originated from one bedroom Amiga games developer. The WinUAE screenshots taken from most of these games were taken while running in a doubled line mode. Therefore, on a real Amiga the graphics will look less blocky.
A freeware Tank/Artillery clone. You and your team member must try to destroy the enemy artilleries with well calculated canon shots. You can either configure the game to use a window on your Workbench or open a seperate screen for fullscreen game display. You can download the game from Aminet here. If the game asks for certain fonts then you can find them on your AmigaOS 3.0 or 3.1 fonts disk. Another excellent Tank clone with lots of different weaponry is Scorched Tanks.
Deluxe Galaga (AGA)
You control a space-craft, and your mission is to protect earth from alien invaders. Nice touches to the game are various sub-games, many upgrade options for your fighter, a two player mode and many hidden bonuses. You can download the full game from Aminet here. If your machine is too slow to handle AGA games properly under emulation, then there’s also an ECS version available. Under the “Chipset” tab under the “Collision level” group, select “full”. Also you need to have the AGA chipset selected and need to change the Amiga screen resolution to 800×600 under the “Display” tab before booting into AmigaOS. Within the game press the “E” key for sound effects.
Deluxe Pacman (AGA)
IMO one of the best, if not the best 2D pacman clone for any platform. The game offers lots of extra bonuses, levels and weapons and is addictive for any age. You can download the full game from Aminet here. Set the display options to 800×600 for seeing the entire game area. As there aren’t lots of fancy things going on on the screen, even low-end PCs will be able to emulate this AGA title without slowdowns (but there is an ECS version available as well).
dynAMIte (AGA)
A very addictive online multi-player Dynablaster/Bomberman clone. You need to be connected to the Internet to be able to start this game. Don’t be frightened when the game offers you the option to format your C: partition. The game detects that you are running a version of UAE and the programmers thought it would be funny to kid around with UAE users. Just hit the format button to continue. For more information turn to the dynAMIte homepage.
Megaball (AGA enhanced)
A good Arkanoid clone with lots of levels and different bonuses. On Amigas, these type of games are normally played with the use of a mouse, but if you want, you can also use the keyboard or a joystick. You can get this game here from Aminet.
Monsters of Terror (AGA)
A professionally implemented arcade action game by Starfox. With up to four simultaneous players, you try to kill all the nasty creatures in these small labyrinths. Great sounds, nice graphics and amazingly addictive gameplay makes this game one of the shining examples of high quality PD Scene software by “bedroom game developers”. You can download the game from Starfox’ website. Be sure to check out his other games too. If you are a Loderunner fan, be sure to check out his excellent clone called Minerunner.
Roketz (AGA)
Two player thrust clone with excellent raytraced graphics. You control a small spaceship and try to kill your opponent with loads of different weaponries or compete against each other in races. You can download this game here from Aminet.
The best Tron clone I have seen for any platform, with up to 6 simultaniously playing human opponents (up to 10 with computer opponents included). Lots of additional bonuses, obstacles and different weapons to choose from. Download the full game from Paul Burkey’s Sneech homepage.
One of the best multiplayer tetris clones around, with up to 3 simultanious players. You can download this addictive game here from Aminet.
A good asteroids clone with simple vector drawn graphics. The game offers fully scalable graphics and good sounds. You can download this game here from Aminet.
These games are freely available from the given websites. Do note, however, that these websites have acquired exclusive permission for distributing this software. Alot of new software is being added to websites like on a monthtly basis. The WinUAE screenshots taken from most of these games, were taken while running in a doubled line mode. Therefore, on a real Amiga the graphics will look less blocky.
Psygnosis (1992) Orignal target specs: Any Amiga with 521 KB RAM
A nice sideways scrolling shoot`m up within which you control an owl. The game has good graphics and excellent music. The harddisk version can be downloaded form the download section of AmigaInABox.
Banshee (AGA)
Core Design (1994) Original target specs: Any AGA Amiga.
A very good vertically scrolling shoot `em up, the best one I have seen for any platform so far. Beautiful silky smooth scrolling graphics are combined with excellent 1 or 2 player gameplay. Great weather effects and huge end-level boses makes this truly a real masterpiece. During emulation the score/energy/lives stats row is missing, but overall the game plays well, although the game does need a very fast computer to run properly. You can download the game here from
Beneath a steel sky – CD version
Virgin Games (1994) Original target specs: Any Amiga with 2MB RAM and CDROM drive
A hilarious adventure in the same league as games like The Secret of Monkey Island” (part 1&2) and “Simon the Sorceror” (1&2). The game offers excellent speech but also takes quite some space on your harddrive. You download this game here from If the game does not load up correctly under AIAB then boot into MiniBench. This can be done by pressing the left mouse button during AmigaOS bootup. After this find the game and load it and this game should run correctly.
First Samurai
Vivid Imagine (1991) Original target specs: Any Amiga with 1 MB RAM.
An action packed platform game with excellent graphics and sounds. Along the levels lots of puzzles are needed to be solved in order to progress. You can download the HD version here from
Psygnosis (1990) Original target specs: Any Amiga with 1 MB RAM.
A very addictive puzzle game. You try too rescue your lemmings by appointing certain tasks to certain lemmings (like i.e. sacrifice some for the sake of the group). The Amiga orginal is easily the best Lemmings version available. Great classical music tunes, well thought out level design and a hilariously fun two player mode. You can download the HD version from the downloads section of AmigaInABox.
Lion Heart
Thalion (1992) Original target specs. Any Amiga with 1 MB RAM.
Graphically the most impressive 2D platform game I have seen for any computer or game console. Alot of parallax scrolling layers makes this game a feast for your eyes to watch. Good sound effects and good gameplay makes this game a true classic. You can download the ADFs from the Thalion webshrine here. To install this game onto your harddrive you need to get an installer form the WHDLoad website.
Mega lo Mania
Image Works (1991) Original target specs. Any Amiga with 1 MB RAM.
A great strategy game where you try to take control of small islands. A great aspect of this game is that you need to advance your tribe with inventions in order to outsmart your foes. The game is of a similar quality as compared to other Amiga strategy classics like Populous2 and Powermonger. You can download the HD version from the downloads section of AmigaInABox.
Shadow of the Beast
Psygnosis (1989) Original target specs: Any Amiga with 1 MB RAM.
A great looking and sounding classical game. This game has sold many Amigas in the past as it was used in shops to demonstrate the enormous power of even bog standard entry level Amiga computers. You can download the HD version from the downloads section of AmigaInABox.
Super Cars 2
Gremlin (1991) Original target specs: Any Amiga with 1 MB RAM.
A top-down viewed one or two player racing game with great music and loads of weaponries. This game is very fun to play with a friend, either try to blow eachother of the racetrack or to co-operate with eachother against other competitors. You can download the HD version here from
Xtreme Racing (AGA)
Silltunna (1995) Original taget specs: AGA Amiga with 030 CPU and 4MB RAM
A great 3D racing game which needs quite a fast computer to be emulated. On a real Amiga you have the ability to play this game with lots of friends over a network. During the game you need to alter the screen resolution to 1×1 as the game looks rather blocky in 2×2 mode (used for bog standard 14 MHz A1200s). You can download the ADFs here from When you have the game installed on your harddisk be sure to edit the game startup file with an editor and delete a line regarding the cracker intro. If you don’t do this the game may crash as it did initially on my setup. Screenshot.
But selling two rival products under one brand name doesn’t sound too good to me. If Gateway really believed there were profit in Amiga in the modern world, they would go for it. But the problem with Gateway is that they want to have one foot in and one foot out. They want to be a big profitable OEMs, and the same time want to beat Microsoft and make even more money. I think they make their own choice.
Come on, if you were selling something…. say rubber, to a tyre company. Then that tyre company bought another rubber company and decide to sell both under their brand name. Would you want that?
I wouldn’t.
Gateway is now just the past…
Well Gateway cannot be expected to kill off 99% of their business, so I don’t blame them for killing off their Amiga adventure instead.
I do however think that Microsoft’s monopoly over the computing market is far too tight. The fact that they can bully around with another multi-billion dollar giant IMO shows that something needs to done for a healthy computing market to return.
You know Mike, you only need WinXX to run WinUAE. You can run UAE on almost any platform under the sun (even BeOS). I personally dont care about OS4.x, but DE sounds promising (but there is hardly any public activity in DE land).
> Gateway is now just the past…
Agreed, the Amiga community is stronger without Gateway they are dependent on established OS monopolies.
A similar thing happened to a lesser extend when Commodore bought the Amiga company. Amiga employees were frustrated with all the (mis)management decisions made by the Commodore top because they thought they could make an easy buck with PC clone hardware, eventually killing them in the process, this despite huge PC clone marketing compaigns (almost ignoring their very profitable Amiga branch).
Great article! Mike only forgot the Factor 5 Games, like Turrican and R-Type which are freely available. ( ) I was a Amigamaniac once too, and i recently aquired Amithlon. Maybe i will dump my linux box
Some links in this article are very useful! THANKS! You dont want to miss Turrican!! Best Game ever!
Very nice read!
I use WinUAE myself, and I am really pleased that you opted for using AIAB. It really is *much* easier to use this packagee, and then configure AmigaOS from there.
Ahh Megalomania – what an awesome game. Can’t really tell why – the graphics are butt ugly by todays standars – but the gameplay…
One should note that WinUAE is not the only UAE version – it is available for a lot of platforms, inlcuding Linux, MacOS 9 and X, BeOS and even AmigaOS(!).
Great article and perfect timing with the things heating up in the Amiga lovers World!! loved reading it…
WHAT a game. I don’t think I was ever wowed as much by another game… though Half Life came close.
Good article on the actual subject, emulation, although the advertising in the beginning was quite an embarrassing let-down.
“As Amiga Inc is about to re-enter the computer arena…”
Amiga Inc is not about to re-enter any arena, it’s a new company.
They’re also not entering the computer arena. It’s a software and licensing company.
Is this an article by an independent writer on OSNews, or a corporate press release?
“…with new AmigaOS4 powered desktop systems…”
Amiga Inc has nothing to do with hardware, let alone desktop systems, other than licensing the trademarks they bought to third party hardware vendors (OSNews readers might already have heard about the so-called “AmigaOne”: a PPC motherboard relabelled “AmigaOne” and redistributed by a trademark licensee, the U.K. company Eyetech.) Neither is AmigaOS actually Amiga Inc’s own project, it was taken over by the German-Belgian company Hyperion late last year.
“…3rd party embedded products utilizing AmigaDE technology…”
So far the “AmigaDE” is just a future concept. What’s installed or can be downloaded to those devices is what was previously known as the “AmigeDE-player”, then “AmigaAnywhere” and now renamed again to “AACE” (Amiga Anywhere Content Engine). It’s basically a repackaged Tao Elate VP engine with some slight additional functionality, allowing the customer to play little games on his PDA or cell phone.
Amiga is dead, long live AmigaOS!
(And Amiga emulation!
It’s been awhile since I’ve seen a readable article on the status of Amiga emulation. So many get bogged down in details and cryptic abreviations that they lose me fast (Come on… It’s been a long time since I stayed up 24/7 w/my little Amiga 500. I’ve lost those brain cells years ago).
Nice to see someone giving me a reason to boot up my Fellowship emulator. 8)=
On a related note, has anyone noticed the total silence from the Amiga community regarding Motorolas lack of a PPC desktop chip in their future plans? I see Apple’s scrambling to come up with viable alternatives (Hammer or IBM PPC seems to be the two major contenders), but nothing out of the old Amiga camp regarding their upcoming plans and hardware.
On an unreleated note… is it me, or have the popup ads on gotten rather annoying recently. It seems I’m constantly having to close out a popup just to read an article here. Hmm…
Great work Mike
You have excelled yourself again and also provided some very positive “feature” advertising for Amiga.
I have just tonight ordered my copy of AmigaForever 5 and will give it a go.
Mike, if I was running Amiga Forever or AIAB how hard would it be to upgrade to OS3.5/3.9? I tried these products before but couldn’t stand them. Also, when OS4 is released will it work with UAE? I suspect not.
For us older folks ( I mean 28+ ). I remember
when I could walk into a software store and
there would be 4 seperate sections of the store.
1 for IBM, 1 for Apple, 1 For Amiga, and 1 For Atari.
What!! we had a choice!!. Microsoft is killing
the progress of the computer industry.
No competition = No push to make any progress.
Why should Microsoft make anything good? They’ll
just have to work harder to beat themself.
Mike, I was hoping to read a nonfluff piece from you, but I see I was sadly mistaken. You can’t help yourself from spreading propaganda for Amino (oweners of the current Amiga trademark, and little else as Gateway still owns the IP), even in a Windows UAE story.
Let’s take a look at your article. “Amiga Inc is about to re-enter the computer arena with new AmigaOS4 powered desktop systems..” Is Amiga Inc doing this? No, HYPErion is producing the OS4 (or as I like to note it as HYPEOS4) under license from Amino. Amino has provide NO MONEY for developement. New hardware is being produced by Eyetech, and once again, Amino has provided NO MONEY for R&D nor production. All Amino is doing, is gaining any royality from sales for issuing a license of it’s Boing stickers and not spending a dime on hardware/software. So how can you say the above Mike? Why are you not being fully honest and giving all the known facts to the readers, Mike? Oh that’s right, your one of those rabid “Amiga Inc” supporters who thinks he can sweep the bad news under the rug an no one is going to notice.
Mike, how can anyone believe any future article(s) of yours?
Great article Mike!
commodore sold a line of PC computer at one tim, especially in europe.
One of those commodore PC got immortalised in the movie Crapatchouk in the scene of the train ticket buying.
What does the release of OS4 have to do with WinUAE? OS4 is crippled by being available for only obscure and expensive PowerPC hardware, therefore OS4 is completely irrelevant to WinUAE… and just about everyone in the known universe.
I posted something here hours ago but it’s not shown up. Oh well…here I go again.
Mike, if I install Amiga Forever or AIAB, how hard would it be to upgrade to OS3.9?
I have to say, I really didn’t like the screenshots of Amiga OS 4 that were shown a while back, but the first screenshot in this article, Amiga in a Box, looks really really nice!
But did anyone wonder what would have happened if John Luis Gasseé had sold the Be OS to Amiga instead of Palm?
Bit of a tidy-up of the GUI, (to make it look like the kind of eye-cringeing mess that amiga users love), API Wrappers for Classic Amiga compatibility ( or perhaps a Classic Layer A La the OSX that BeOS nearly became ), and some drivers to support G3 chipsets and wahay… Wouldnt that be cool?
( Will BeOS 5 PPC run on an AmigaOne? )
When are those AmigaOnes with OS4 coming?
This article reminded me I had actually bought AmigaForever many eons ago but haven’t used it in a long long time.
So, inspired I went off and installed it again along with the latest UAE, I had one tried to upgrade the version of UAE AmigaForever used but could never figure out how, things must have gotton easier since 1998 as all I did is point UAE to the ROM files and my Amiga dirs and it worked fine. I was even able to get my old audio stuff working. Those were the days…
BTW, it’s not really covered much here at OSNews but there is a “replacement” AmigaOS called AROS, looks like it is coming along nicely:
In Comment 4 Zenja wrote:
> You know Mike, you only need WinXX to run WinUAE. You
> can run UAE on almost any platform under the sun (even
> BeOS).
Yes I know and I did state that in this article as well. “WinUAE is the Win32 version of the multi-platform Amiga emulator UAE. “
Kevin Craik wrote in comment 15:
> Mike, if I was running Amiga Forever or AIAB how hard
> would it be to upgrade to OS3.5/3.9?
You wouldn’t run into many problems. But if you do fail then here are some useful tips:
> Also, when OS4 is released will it work with UAE? I
> suspect not.
Correct, AmigaOS4 is a *PPC* native port of AmigaOS 3.9 with lots of additional enhancements. So for AmigaOS4 you would need to buy an AmigaOne compatible computer or upgrade a classic Amiga computer with a PPC accelerator card. The latter would be less satisfying and far more expensive.
> Is Amiga Inc doing this? No, HYPErion is producing the
> OS4 (or as I like to note it as HYPEOS4) under license
> from Amino.
Grow up Dammy there exists no Animo anymore, they are called Amiga Inc. And yes Hyperion is producing AmigaOS4 under contracts with Amiga Inc, so what?
Amiga Inc needs to concentrate on AmigaDE development (actually the Amiga Inc investors require this from Amiga Inc) themselves and are sharing source codes with Hyperion. Later the AmigaDE will be fully integrated into AmigaOS4.x
Again grow up, the OS is called AmigaOS4.
Why do need to trol my articles over and over again? Seriously get a life!
Bunny wrote in comment 20:
> What does the release of OS4 have to do with WinUAE?
I am just trying to help some people who requested more information on setting up an easy to use AmigaOS emulation environment (and are interested in the new AmigaOS).
As the same AHI, VisualPrefs, Picasso96, etc people are among the AmigaOS4 development team this emulation solution gives a reasonable preview with regard to some aspects of the new AmigaOS.
Bug wrote in comment 22:
> I have to say, I really didn’t like the screenshots of
> Amiga OS 4 that were shown a while back, but the first
> screenshot in this article, Amiga in a Box, looks really
> really nice!
The AmigaOS4 screenshots until now are mainly meant to demonstrate the customization freedom and other integrated functionalities. The screenshots do not show the standard AmigaOS4 look! However what is being shown is that AmigaOS4 can fully be customized if you don’t like the standardly provided environment.
To get an idea of how flexible the classic AmigaOS is take a look at the following screengrabs from various AmigaOS users:
CattBeMac wrote in comment 24:
> When are those AmigaOnes with OS4 coming?
The only public comments made by the AmigaOS4 team with regard to a release date this year is that they are confident that they will deliver us AmigaOS4 before the end of the year. You should be able to get an AmigaOne for underneath your christmas tree.
AmigaOS4 for classic 68k/PPC hybrid Amiga computers may be released prior to the AmigaOS4/AmigaOne release, but that would depend on Amiga Inc’s market approach, it may be smarter to release them simultaniously.
If you have any more questions they will remain un-answered as I will soon be going on a business trip. I will be back next Monday. Thanks for your understanding.
I haven’t used UAE since I found Amithlon. Simply because UAE crawls on a 400MHz machine while Amithlon flies!
Even though everythings not working perfectly with Amithlon, it’s really worth it because of the speed. It’s just great.
It’s not keeping me away from BeOS for too long though
Mike, I totally agree with Dammy :
1) amiga inc just gets the most out of their IP, out
of the name they bought, and do nothing for the amiga
(the amiga being the classic amiga evolution, I don’t
care about an Tao’s intent…).
2) you don’t refer to morphos and the pegasos
amiga brand: it’s definitely a great sucessor of AmigaOS,
rewritten from scratch, and still 100% amiga OS like and
amiga compatible. Really great product, which you can buy
now, made by long time amiga developers (like amiga os 4),
but the project was initiated years ago, while OS 4 is
far from being usable (and a waste of time)
My question is :
why so much loyalty about a company which is just … a
name… (and whose boss has never had an Amiga IIRC)
– Clearly you are not objective at all –
Only my humble opinion though
Anyway, I know I can’t convince you, just like any
Great article Mike!
Really, get a life!
AmigaInc wants to go via the PPC route with their OS, no matter what you say. If you do not like AmigaOS, there are plenty of alternatives for you, no need to be childish and bash everything what Mike says.
I’m tired of seeing MoprhOS promoted as AmigaOS. It’s only a OS that imitates AmigaOS and tries to capture Amiga’s fame.
Ofcourse you do not care about AmigaDE as it will deliver content to AmigaSO4.x and not for MorphOS.
And stop spreading lies!
(pegasos and morphos are not available for users)
Thanks alot this article has proven to be really useful for me!
Didn’t see it here so I just want to inform You that Digital Illusions great pinball games are available for free:
Peter B. You can get Slam Tilt Pinball – AGA from as well. This is my favorite Pinball game for the Amiga. However I don’t know if you can it to work with (Win)UAE.