Matt Dillon, not the famous actor but the kernel/VM FreeBSD hacker also well known for writting the Dice C compiler for the Amiga, is here with us today for an in-depth interview about everything regarding FreeBSD 5.0. This is the OS that all the techie people are waiting for and presenting it as the most advanced, technically-speaking, free OS of today. Additionally, we also include two mini interviews with Theo de Raadt, the OpenBSD founder, and Jun-ichiro “itojun” Hagino from the NetBSD Core Team.
1. What goodies BSD 5.0 is going to bring us?
Matt Dillon: There are at least a dozen projects going on in parallel and we have ripped up and replaced a great deal of code all over the kernel. So much so that we recently decided to extend the 5.0 release date another year to give the many projects a chance to get out of development mode and into stabilization mode. Due to this a good chunk of -current’s features are also being slowly MFC’d into -stable. Not KSEs or SMPng though. I think Julian’s comment in his KSE commit message was something on the order of “X-MFC after: ha ha ha ha”
KSEs and SMPng are the most visible projects (SMPng is being spear-headed by John Baldwin), but we have also done a great deal of work on the network stack, checksum offloading, network drivers (especially GigE drivers), devfs (which is now the default in -current), crypto-quality random number generation, scaleability, and new machine ports. We are actively porting to IA64, PowerPC, and Sparc64, and even though the Alpha is dying away our already-operational (in -stable) alpha port is being actively developed to ensure that our code remains 64 bit clean and to provide ground-breaking work for the other ports.
A good chunk of the work has already been MFCd to stable. For example, -stable can push 900+ MBits (120 MBytes/sec ‘netstat -in 1’) over
a TCP connection on a DELL2550 with GigE using *normal* sized frames (mtu 1500). That’s full saturation.
A great deal of filesystem work has also been completed. Filesystem snapshot support (for UFS+Softupdates) is progressing nicely and may
prove to be one of the most important new filesystem features in the 5.x system once it stabilizes. There are also two new native features
in UFS that have stabilized and have in fact been MFCd to -stable: dirpref and dirhash. dirpref comes directly from Grigoriy Orlov of
OpenBSD and reworks the way directories are layed-out on disk, resulting in huge directory and file stat/open/create/remove performance gains.
Some filesystem operations have improved by over 60x (6000%), and many of the common ones have improved over 400%. dirhash is a very
low-overhead in-kernel whole-directory hashing mechanism that radically improves the performance of directory operations.
There is much more. Some things, like dirhash and dirpref, can be easily MFC’d to -stable. Others, such as softupdate’s snapshot support,
probably won’t be due to major dependancies on other current-only projects.
2. Which is the one feature that you would like most to add to the BSD kernel?
Matt Dillon: I would like to see a native process and device-level descriptor migration capability. This isn’t a new idea (few ideas in computer architecture can ever be called ‘new’), but it is an idea whos time has come. I would like to see an ability to migrate processes as
well as their device-level state and couple that with external rerouting. So an I/O descriptor representing a TCP connection could
be migrated entirely off the original machine, for example.
Process migration is a good basis to support Q.O.S. and maintainance issues on todays platforms. As computing hardware becomes more
powerful and we run more services (and more connections, and more users) on any given box, the ability to migrate everything off a
box in order to take it down for maintainance without users noticing that you are doing it has become the ultimate IT grail. The
reason is simple: if you use a modern machine to its fullest potential and the system crashes, you are potentially interrupting
thousands of users rather then simply dozens. The concept of the ‘maintainance-window’ introduces the same problem, even with
load balancing and connection management and distribution technologies. The ‘maintainance-window’ concept is rapidly becoming unacceptable
in today’s full-on world.
In short, process migration would allow the open-source community to begin to provide Q.O.S. levels that only mainframes can provide
today. And if you didn’t hear me mention so-called ‘clustering’ solutions currently available from unnamed vendors, it’s because they
can’t actually deliver these things — not true Q.O.S. That’s my opinion, anyway. Using a cluster to hide the fact that the underlying
systems crash regularly is an extremely dangerous way to manage a computing environment.
I’m going to cheat a bit and also give you my #2 feature-wish: I want native filesystem replication. I don’t care a whit about
common server-based disk store: you don’t get reliability or scaleability that way. I want to see distributed (replicated,
not partitioned) filesystems that are transactionally coherent, to go along with the process-migration of course
3. Soft-Update seems to be one step further than Journaling, it is the “modern” way of doing journaling, and FreeBSD has that feature. However, do you have plans to add to the FreeBSD fs some of the features found on XFS or JFS systems?
Matt Dillon: I would not characterize soft-updates as being a step-ahead of
journaling. At least not meta-data journaling. It’s just another
way of doing things. Even though soft-updates can theoretically
perform better then even meta-data journalling the plain fact of the
matter is that linear disk bandwidth has at least 25x the throughput
of a random seek/write. So journaling meta-data has a fairly small
performance impact if you can asynchronize everything *else*.
Softupdates works extremely well for UFS but the softupdates concept
can break down with other filesystems – it could very well be impossible
to implement softupdates-like operation on a filesystem which implements
directories as BTree’s or hashes, for example. On the other hand
softupdates can commit meta-data operations out of order while still
maintaining filesystem integrity, and it can do it in an infinitely
fine-grained fashion which naturally leads to better parallelism.
Journaled filesystems typically can’t do that. So the usefullness of
the theory depends heavily on what your goals are. For general purpose
work both theories work equally well.
Most filesystem-specific ‘super’ features are highly specialized and
not actually useful in the vast majority of system installations.
XFS has data zoning features and (at least under IRIX) the ability to
guarentee data stream latency and bandwidth. I can count the number
of applications that actually need those features on one hand with a
few fingers cut off. XFS’s major advantage, as with all journaled
filesystems, is instant crash recovery. All else being equal this is
a journaled filesystem’s biggest advantage for general purpose
computing but, even so, supplying the proper options to newfs when
creating a UFS filesystem can drop fsck times by an order of magnitude
on large filesystems. People using UFS are not really at that much
of a disadvantage. You can’t provide any sort of Q.O.S. if you depend
on fast crash recovery to be fast. Q.O.S. means having redundant
hardware at the very least. I can’t comment on JFS, I’ve never used it.
All of the BSD camps make stability priority #1 and performance
priority #2. Performance and fast crash recovery is completely
irrelevant if the filesystem corrupts the data or causes a crash!
This is especially true as HD capacities increase and filesystems
become larger. I have never quite understood why the Linux community
gets so revved up by the huge number of filesystems they support. As
if the sheer number combine together to provide a more effective system!
You don’t get reliability, performance, and long term stability by
playing with filesystems, you get it by choosing or focusing on one or
two filesystems that deliver those characteristics. Depending on
filesystem-specific ‘super’ features makes code non-portable and is not
usually a good idea.
In anycase, most BSD developers are happy with UFS. Oh, when I say UFS
I really mean UFS+FFS or UFS+FFS+SOFTUPDATES. UFS is not the ancient
creaking beast that some people have stereotyped it as. The basic
theory and structure was sound and is still sound to this very day.
Over the years we’ve fixed bugs (what few bugs we find), added
capability support, better caching, reorganized the layout in a
backwards-compatible fashion, re-introduced reblocking (basically
on-the-fly defragmentation), softupdates, snapshot support, etc etc etc.
4. After the open source bubble bursted recently, a lot of companies seized support and stoped contributing code to both Linux or BSD. How has this affected the BSD development?
Matt Dillon: It creates a short term disruption for the people involved in regards
to their ability to contribute but I do not believe company layoffs
will have any effect on the open-source movement itself or on Linux
and BSD development in the long term. The biggest contributors to
open-source are not staple employees of a company who are hired
specifically to interact with the open-source community. They are
people who have a real interest and love of open-source who happen to
be working at a company in a leverageable position.
While there have been BSD related layoffs, it’s nothing that was
unexpected and has had much less of an impact on us then I’m sure the
huge number of linux-centric companies going bust has had on the Linux
psyche. All I can say is: It aint our (the open-source community)
fault. Most of the linux centric companies were leeching off the
linux name, and those that weren’t didn’t fail because they were
using Linux, they failed because they didn’t have a business model
with a chance in hell of (ever) going profitable. Open-source operates
behind the scenes far more then it operates in the public eye, and
it’s hard to sell support to hackers who actually have *fun*
trying to figure out a problem. In some respects Linux and the BSDs
are poor commercialization candidates because they are *too* good…
that they simply do not require the level of support that something
like Windows-NT or Oracle might require in a back-office setting.
Open source has created far more disruption and change in commercial
interests then the other way around. I think it has been for the
better, though I’m sure many commercial entities (such as MS) aren’t
too happy about being forced to be more honest with their customers.
(hmm… actually I think they still haven’t learned, and look at the
effect. MS has gotten its fingers burned so many times in their
dirty war against open-source that even long-time commercial partners
don’t believe what they say any more!).
5. How do you feel that Linux got most of the attention the last couple of years, and it was able to move a bit faster to the desktop arena? Is the Desktop market interest at all the FreeBSD people?
Matt Dillon: I find it to be an interesting exercise in social engineering,
economics, and psychology. Oh, you want to know what I *really*
I think biggest winner here is open-source. A great deal of what
people label as ‘Linux’ isn’t actually Linux. It’s open-source
that compiles just as easily on FreeBSD (*without* linux emulation)
as it does on Linux. Take GNOME and KDE for example. No linux emulation
necessary there! The areas where FreeBSD has problems are almost entirely
relegated to commercial binary-only distributions. Now, that said,
Linux is certainly the largest driver of interest that leads to the
development of many of these projects. I don’t think we would have
GNOME or KDE without Linux. As a driver of interest Linux has earned
its place at the top of heap.
In regards to the desktop… well, I’m not sure exactly what you are
asking. Both Linux and FreeBSD are in the same boat there… the only
way to drive desktop acceptance is to ship machines pre-installed with
the OS (whatever OS) and preconfigured with a desktop so when you turn
the thing on, you are ready to rock. The only way to do that is for
the PC vendors to pre-install Linux (or FreeBSD, or whatever).
Other then that common issue, there really is no difference between
FreeBSD and Linux in regards to the desktop. Oh, we could integrate the
sound a little better and it would be nice to get a native OpenGL
implementation working, but everything else is already there, because
both platforms are running the same GUI software.
6. Please explain to us what SMPng (next-generation symmetric multi-processing) and KSE (kernel scheduler entities) are, which are features to be found on the BSD-5-Current.
Matt Dillon: SMPng is FreeBSD’s fine-grained mutex, interrupt threading, and
Giant-removal implementation. Potentially kernel pre-emption is
also part of the equation but the jury is still out on that.
The purpose is to be able to have several mainline processes and/or
interrupts operating in kernel mode simultaniously. This is the primary
scaleability issue in any SMP system. The work being done here is
roughly compareable to the SMP work being done in Linux. Linux is
about a year ahead of us but both Linux and the BSDs have a great
deal of work to do to catch up with Solaris.
KSE is a totally new (but old idea) way of implementing userland threads.
The idea here is two fold: (1) to remove any requirement that userland
code understand which system calls might block and which system
calls might not block. (2) to do all primary thread scheduling and
switching in userland, where any given cpu can switch between threads
with approximately the same overhead as a userland subroutine call.
With KSEs if a userland process makes a system call which blocks, the
kernel will detach the kernel context (which is now blocked) and return
directly to the user mode scheduler using an ‘upcall’. The userland
scheduler can then immediately switch to another thread. Another
system call will be given a new, fresh, KSE to play with. The blocked
kernel context runs completely asynchronously from the userland process
until it finishes and can potentially run concurrently with other
detached KSEs for the same process. When a KSE completes the kernel
notifies the userland scheduler allowing the userland scheduler to
reschedule the ‘blocked’ thread which is now ‘returning’ from the
system call that originally blocked.
The essential difference between KSEs and both select/kqueue-based
threads and rfork based threads is that with KSEs you get all the
parallelism of the SMP box and all the power of a userland-only context
switch between threads (read: *very* fast switch times) without
*any* of the kernel overhead. A program can literally be running
thousands of threads with no significant kernel overhead. Only
blocked system calls eat kernel resources. In addition to this,
we can manage kernel resources in the face of thousands of threads
by limiting the ‘pool’ of KSEs we assign to any given process or user
or whatever. So if 500 of those 1000 threads block in a syscall we
just get a little less cpu-efficient and don’t blow out kernel memory.
Currently FreeBSD can use both select/kqueue and rfork (linux-style)
threading. KSEs bring us to the next level.
7. From the technical point of view, how would you rate the Linux 2.4 kernel compared to BSD’s?
Matt Dillon: I don’t know enough about recent linux kernels to be able to rate
them, nor would it be P.C. I do follow the VM work being done in
Linux and in particular Rik van Riel’s work. I think Linux is going
through a somewhat painful transition as it moves away from a
Wild-West/Darwinist development methodology into something a bit
more thoughtful. I will admit to wanting to take a clue-bat to
some of the people arguing against Rik’s VM work who simply do not
understand the difference between optimizing a few nanoseconds out
of a routine that is rarely called verses spending a few extra cpu
cycles to choose the best pages to recycle in order to avoid
disk I/O that would cost tens of millions of cpu cycles later on.
It is an attitude I had when I was maybe 16 years old… that every
clock cycle matters no matter how its spent. Bull!
8. How is the “relationship” between the FreeBSD programmers and the OpenBSD/NetBSD ones? Do you share code, opinions, chatting regularly? Or all these BSD projects are completely independant to each other?
Matt Dillon: The BSD groups are like high school social circles. No, really!
That’s the best analogy I can think of! Many developers focus
on just their little clique but a good chunk run in multiple
circles. There are developers that maintain the same driver code
across several BSD distributions. There are developers who focus
their work in one BSD distribution but have ties to developers
in others. If the work is interesting enough, such as the ‘dirpref’
work, developers that focus on coding in other BSD distributions
will pick up the patch set and bring it in. That is how FreeBSD
got the dirpref code. Kirk imported it from OpenBSD into FreeBSD-current
and I MFC’d it to -stable after it had been proven out in -current.
In many respects this development methodology gives us the best of
both worlds. Developers are free to focus on the distribution they are
most familar with and if the work is interesting enough it gets several
eyes from the other distributions who not only port the code in, but
also review it. Testing can wind up occuring in all the distributions
simultaniously and with something like ‘dirpref’, if someone finds a
bug it will almost certainly wind up being fixed in the other
distributions within a few days. Security bugs are independantly
verified but often the fix is common to all the BSDs and no duplicate
work need occur. There is constant borrowing going on between the
BSDs and even between BSD and Linux, especially in regards to driver
9. What is your opinion on .NET and do you think that it may be possible that .NET change the OS “map” as we know it?
Matt Dillon: I believe .NET is Vapor. It’s a marketing term dreamed up by Microsoft
that will magically morph into whatever Microsoft eventually winds up
delivering. MS announces grandiose ideas with cute catch phrases
all the time, and as with any good vapor there is always some
basis in truth (if only a little pinprick). The reality is a little
different though… remember, these are the people that hyped windows-ME
up the wazoo and all we got out of it was a speech-synthesized windows
installation wizard! These are the people that called NT the unix-killer
and told people it was as reliable as UNIX. .NOT is probably a more
descriptive term for .NET. My guess is that it will turn into
Microsoft-proprietary rent-a-service glue, and that it will introduce
an order of magnitude more security issues then IIS.
10. Some say that FreeBSD has the best VM ever, whem compared to any other Operating System. Do you think that there is still space for improvement and are there still features to be added?
Matt Dillon: I think we made great progress stabilizing the VM system and working
out performance issues related to machine scaling in the -4.x series
of FreeBSD releases. The machines have proven to be great workhorses
in a wide range of applications and are able to provide the long term
stability and performance required by its users. Generally speaking,
the technology behind the VM system is quite sound and does not need
much more in the way of improvement. Obviously in -5.x we will be
multi-threading pieces of it for SMPng, but the core algorithms appear
to extend cleanly to MP and 64 bit platforms and we do not expect to
have to make any fundamental changes. There is always room for
improvement, of course! While we are likely to stand pat with the
VM core in early 5.x releases, there is a great deal of work planned
to improve the I/O and buffer cache subsystems a little later on.
My personal goal is to eventually remove the buffer cache entirely
or at least morph it into nothing more complex than an I/O staging
1. How is the “relationship” between the NetBSD programmers and the OpenBSD/FreeBSD ones? Do you share code, opinions, chatting regularly? Or all these BSD projects are completely independant to each other?
Itojun: Yes we do chat with each other and share code/opinions. Some of the developers do have commit access (can modify source code tree) for multiple BSDs.
2. Do you incorporate code to NetBSD from OpenBSD or FreeBSD when important changes are made to these OSes?
Itojun: Yes, but depending on the characteristics of the changes. If it is a one-line change for security issue, we’d integrate them right away. If it is a big feature addition, we review them carefully and sometimes do integrate the changes, sometime do not (we get similar changes from others, we implement it ourselves, or integrate it with lot of improvements).
3. What goodies the next version of NetBSD is scheduled to bring us?
Itojun: SMP (for multiple platforms!) and fine-grained thread support are the biggest targets we are attacking. More platforms support, of course.
4. NetBSD’s goal is to port the OS to as many platforms as it can. Which platforms are still needed NetBSD to be ported and it is a priority to do so?
Itojun: Sony PlayStation2 (port exists, needs integration).
1. How is the “relationship” between the OpenBSD programmers and the FreeBSD/NetBSD ones? Do you share code, opinions, chatting regularly? Or all these BSD projects are completely independant to each other?
Theo de Raadt: There are no formal relationships of any kind. That said, since it is a free world, there are numerous developers who do talk to their counterparts in the other group. Even when that does not happen, public mailing lists and the mainstay product of our projects — source code — is completely visible. What more could one want?
2. Do you incorporate code to OpenBSD from NetBSD or FreeBSD when important changes are made to these OSes?
Theo de Raadt: Sure, why wouldn’t we?
3. What goodies the next version of OpenBSD is scheduled to bring us?
Theo de Raadt: First off, I should reiterate what I have been saying for 5 years: OpenBSD development is not revolutionary, but evolutionary. That means that between one release and another, not a lot of big things happen, but instead we should view it as a series of about 10,000 – 20,000 small changes. Over a series of OpenBSD releases, this amounts to a very big deal. Any release from 2 years back feels very different from the current codebase we have, but actually labelling the big changes between two consecutive releases is very difficult. Thousands of these changes are bug fixes, minor conformance improvements… things which I would argue matter MUCH MORE than “new
That said, this next release has one big thing that people are waiting to try out: We have written a whole new packet filter / nat engine, and fully integrated it into the system. People who are used to ipf will find that pf is much like ipf, but has some improvements which we have always wanted to make (and which the old ipf license had blocked us from doing).
The alpha port has been significantly improved to support many of the higher end models (kind of funny considering the entire platform is now end of lifed…), and we will be releasing our first ultrasparc beta.
Other than that and the thousands of little fixes and improvements everywhere, and probably a bunch of other things I have already forgotten,
4. OpenBSD’s goal is to bring ultimate security to a server. By patching the holes and only accepting proved software do you think that it keeps your development moving slow from implementing something new to the OS level and
releasing it pretty fast?
Theo de Raadt: No, I think it does not affect or release schedule or development process.
Enjoyed the article and am looking forward to trying FreeBSD 5.0 – Glad to see recent events with Windriver haven’t stifled to forward progress.
Well done & keep up the great work.
Excellent article!!! Really answered a lot of questions I was wondering about!
Great work, glad to see more talk about the *BSD’s.
Yeah, I agree with Anonymous that was a great article. I never knew that the various BSD distros sometimes shared codes, cool. NetBSD on a PS/2? Cool! I’d love to see a review of that when it comes out…
An interview with thre people that unarguably know exactly what they are talking about. My somewhat wavering confidence in FreeBSD is restored and I am happy to again promote it armed with new and useful information. An interview with Mr. Greenman would be a perfect compliment to this. I’m going to buy something from this banner just out of appreciation for such an excellent article with such well thought-out questions.
This interview is very informative and comes at a great time, shortly after the WindRiver news. The level of focus shown by each BSD project gives a comforting feeling of stability.
Great article, no fluff. It would be nice to have all the abbreviations explained. MFC? QOS? UFS? FFS? Give me a break here- I’m no kernel hacker, but I do undertstand words.
Guys, thank you all for your nice words about the article.
I’ve been a linux user for many years now and occasionally touch the BSD’s, but as of late I’ve really been pondering the thought of just switching over completely. I really enjoy the way the BSD’s are developed and how specific issues are handled. I believe this article made my decision clearer. I am also happy to see that the recent events with riverwind didnt impact BSD as much as what I first thought after reading some of the news stories lately. Anyways, I’d like to thank everyone who had a part in this article for their time.
<p>MFC = Merge From Current (ie, v.5 > v.4.x)
<p>QOS = Quality Of Service
<p>UFS = Unix File System
<p>FFS = Fast File System
<p>I switched to FreeBSD last winter after 5 years of Linux. Glad I did.
<p>I liked the article and will be back for more.
mfc – merged from current. changes add to -stable(4.4 now) from -current(5.0 now)
qos – quality of service
ufs – freebsd filesystem
ffs – fast filesystem
Thanks for a good article, but can you help me with migrating from Linux to *BSD systems? I played with OpenBSD a bit, but for real purposes Debian Linux is very easy and quick to install and easy to administer. I’d like to test it with *BSD systems. Any hints for me? Anyway thanks god for *BSD and Linux systems
Thank you, guys.
I’ve been using Linux, since Red Hat 5.0 was released, coming on 4 years. After trying a few distros out, I’ve settled on Debian. Though I have also been using OpenBSD since 2.5 and now FreeBSD 4.4 Release.
It seems to me that the BSD’s are so much more mature and clean, from looking at file structures and man pages to config files. The attitude of the BSD developers also seems to be far more bent on practicality than the Linux camp, which feels on the whole like rushed unfinished work (with some exceptions within Debian).
I plan on moving over to FreeBSD for my desktop OS, keeping OpenBSD for what it does best (Firewall) and keeping Linux for my education and employment opportunities. After 8 years of supporting Microsoft systems, I find them so un-inspiring to work with or try to keep going for that matter.
The future of the BSD’s seems so bright. Thanks to the developers!
I have to agree, great article. The future is bright…
Its odd though. If I observe myself now I find that I have a much stronger emotional bondage towards my old Pentium 90 running FreeBSD than my Athlon 1.4 running Win2k. I mean, both are good OSes, but FreeBSD feels just better. You know whats happening on the system. You can play around with networks like an artist can with his brush. Not to mention that it doesn’t matter much whether you sit at the machine or are ssh’ing in… Mmmm FreeBSD. Love it
I like the greater BSD emphasis on trying to find a good design. A classic case in point would be the rc system. NetBSD migrated from the old 4.4BSD rc+netstart+rc.local to a single directory rc.d in which the scripts contain tags that determine the other scripts on which they depend. No mess of symlinks, and sane use of shell functions so it is easily parsable by humans.
On other systems I have fought through too many insane twisty little passages of massive rc.d files, all alike, and all calling at least five of their friends to do anything. Don’t even start me on configuration details scattered all over the place, some in this file, some in that directory, some stuffed behind the sofa… and the old favourite “Now S99foo needs to start before S99bar, but they both need to start before S98zonk and buddies”
I believe FreeBSD has pulled across the rc.d changes into a branch, I’m looking
forward to my FreeBSD boxes catching up with the NetBSD ones
<p>I personally would have asked Theo about how secure the new packet filter is. Every programmer knows that when you introduce a new piece of code, issues arise. As an OpenBSD 2.7 user, I would like to know: how tested is the new packet filter in comparison to the tried-and-true pre-3.0 ipf? Will the new packet filter be secure enough, or should I hold back the upgrade for a few point releases?</p>
I would have specifically asked the FreeBSD guy about the Linux VM, too. Everybody knows that the Linux 2.4 VM is quirky, and it would be interesting to hear the FreeBSD VM author’s take on it, beyond “I’ve been following it” and “I disagree with the flames”.
Going on a year of FreeBSD usage, I really enjoyed this article. Even though I had read and heard of everything discussed here, I feel more enlighted after reading it!
Keep up the excellent work!
Outstanding article.
At work I help maintain a department of RedHat boxes. I keep seeing ways we could improve stability/performance of our network if we migrated to FreeBSD. We have a few Alpha machines, and half of the Linux kernels we try to compile on them… don’t.
Until we switch at work, I’ll continue happily running FreeBSD at home… and loving it.
After far too long hacking away on SunOS, and then Solaris with an
alcohol sodden drug addled detour into Linux just to see what the penguinistas
were up to, getting back to NetBSD and then to FreeBSD was like
coming home. Everything just feels good, cvsup is a dream to work,
and the inherent _righteousness_ of the OS is a soothing balm upon
old wounds laid open and raw by the noxious pox of microsoft.
BSD – because sometimes doing it right is worth it than for no
other reason than it is the right thing to do.
I’m using Debian GNU/Linux for some time now, and there are lots of properties that I love and – I depend on. The main point for me is the really easy way for updating/upgrading of the system and installing/removing of software packages. Some month ago, I played with BSD and found it really amazing. It is ultrafast, stable, supports lots of devices and son on. Really great!
But I’m a simple developer and I’m not interested in to know system administration and all related tasks as more as neccessary.
As we all know, security is the primer problem of us netpeoples. And installing security patches is a important thing. In Debian it is a simple commend line to install updated software on my gateway/firewall. What is to do in the same case in FreeBSD?
Not only is Matt Dillon a great hacker, but his performance in Rumblefish and, of course, Drug Store Cowboy was great. Who’d have known that, like, he could have a totally successful movie career (with a few flops of course), and then go on to be some totally rad *bsd hacker! Awesome!@!
I thought he was kinda silly in The Flamingo Kid, myself. But I am glad he is giving back to the open source community now.
Check out some of his long list of works, if you don’t believe me:,+Matt
Sweet article! Loved it! *BSD rules.. Also like what that guy said about the SYS V init system, S99foo, etc.. LOL, so true.. What a mess.
I respond to all the linux-converts and *BSD newbies who say “wow man, its
like the source code is so much cleaner and mature…” Think of where BSD
came from. Berkeley. UC Berkeley + 1970’s (even up until today) grows some
prime greens. (unix source code,, and the developers who wrote/taught it).
Do some history on Unix, and things in ALL of todays OS’s are completly obvious.
Do some history on Berkeley, and things in ALL of todays *BSD are now obvious.
….Just picture those “summer of ’69” albums where there are passing
around a big green fattie and pondering the future…
…if you still don’t respect the 20-30 (depending on how you look at it)
year old BSD source tree, just ask Linus where he got his TCP stack from,
ask cisco where their IOS came from, ask Cap’n Bill where alot of his NT kernel and quite a bit of other parts came from… It is obvious when
“all 99 out of 100 vendors have parts of the same telnetd overflow bug”.
ThankYou: Department of Defense, UC-Berkeley, A,W,K, and of course Ritchie…
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–try that with the GPL…
I just have one pet peeve with printed information… Could someone change the spelling of independant to independent?
“What goodies the next version of OpenBSD is scheduled to going us?”
Is that English? I had to read it about 10 times to make sense of it.
Might as well have said:
All your kernel patches are belong to us.
That was an excellent interview. I had no idea FreeBSD’s vision reached so far in to the future. (Process migration? Was he kidding? I’ve heard people say Linux is the “Microsoft-killer”; If Matt Dillon was serious, Linux better hurry up, cause there’s not going to be much left of Microsoft to kill once *BSD gets through with it.)
However, the article was badly marred by flaws that any copy editor would have spotted. The acronyms that weren’t expanded. The atrocious spelling. And the grammar, my God. It’s a good thing Strunk & White are dead, because this would have killed them.
I don’t know about you, but I spent a while trying to figure out what exactly had been “seized” in the following sentence:
After the open source bubble bursted recently, a lot of companies seized support and stoped contributing code to both Linux or BSD.
(If you can’t figure the puzzle out, here’s a hint: nothing was “seized”).
Just wanted to congratulate you on a great article!
I’ve been setting up OpenBSD for firewalls but never really thought of using FreeBSD for much. Now I can see that I’ve been missing out. I’ll be evaluating moving servers onto FreeBSD (or NetBSD which I know next to nothing about), rather than my normal choice of Linux for all.
This would have taken longer for me to realize if it was not for this article!
Thank You!