This paper describes the design of the kaneton microkernel. This system was designed to be ported on many architectures without being intrusive. Moreover, the main goal of this system was to be understandable by everyone interested in operating systems internals. To do so, the kaneton design and implementation are very elegant and easy to understand. Finally, the kaneton microkernel includes modern distributed concepts leading to a powerful, secure, flexible and reliable microkernel based OS. Note: This is the first entry to our Alternative OS Contest which runs through 14th July! 1. The kaneton history kaneton originated at the EPITA Computer System Laboratory as a pedagogical project in operating systems. The project was primarily designed by two students Julien Quintard and Jean-Pascal Billaud although many other people also contributed to the design and especially to the implementation. Having recently contributed to the development of a microkernel based operating system called LSE/OS, the two students decided to begin the design and development of an operating system with a more powerful design and able to share resources on a large network. Nevertheless, the goal of this project remains to be a pedagogical one. For this reason, special interest was made on the design and on the implementation to be as simple as possible. Moreover, the two students wanted to break some well-known kinds of computer sciences rules. Indeed, for example, many computer scientists consider that a project documentation is in fact its source code. Another example, for many low-level system programmers, the kernel boot source code and more generally the kernel source code cannot be understandable by everybody because too messy. People tried, in kaneton, to write documentation for every part of the project. Moreover people tried to build a microkernel understandable by everyone interested in operating systems internals via an elegant and coherent design. 2. The kaneton goals Many research projects in operating systems started with an existing system. For the kaneton microkernel project, people decided to design a totally new system. Indeed, the previous EPITA Computer System Laboratory projects in operating systems were not portable enough, so the kaneton people decided to design this new kernel from scratch with a special interest for the portability. The kaneton microkernel was developed in a very specific way, to build a pedagogical project, with the clearest possible design to become an all easy-to-understand project including source code, design etc. The kaneton microkernel will become the base of a distributed operating system. For this reason, the kaneton microkernel was designed to fit the distributed operating system requirements. For example, the kaneton microkernel includes modern distributed concepts like capabilities which open many ways to security, reliability, flexibility etc.. The kaneton source code is extremely clear and heavily commented which make the project easily maintainable. Needless to say the kaneton project being a microkernel is extremely small and provides only fundamental functionalities. Finally, the kaneton microkernel will be able to run UNIX programs via an emulation library. Nevertheless, the kaneton microkernel is not a UNIX clone and does not follow the system calls interface. 3. The kaneton architecture Before describing the kaneton microkernel internals, it is useful first to outline the kind of hardware for which the system was designed. The kaneton microkernel has been designed to deal with multiple architectures and heterogeneous systems. Since kaneton portability system was designed not to be intrusive, the microkernel has no precise requirement. Nevertheless, the kaneton was not precisely designed for embedded systems because everything is dynamic in its core. 4. The kaneton microkernel A microkernel based operating system is composed of two parts: a microkernel which runs on every processor machine of the system and a collection of servers that provide most of traditional operating system functionalities: drivers, file servers etc.. The microkernel has four primary functionalities to provide: Although the microkernel architecture is modular, the kaneton microkernel is also subdivided into managers. This subdivision leads to a better understanding since each manager provides an interface to control a precise type of kaneton object. For example, there exists an address space manager, a task manager, a thread manager etc.. So the reader interested in understanding how the threads are implemented in kaneton just has to read the source code in relation with the thread manager, nothing more. Moreover, each manager interface’s functions naming follows a precise nomenclature. This nomenclature leads to a better coherence of the whole microkernel. We will now describe microkernel’s components to understand how the kaneton microkernel provides communication, memory management, process management etc.. 4.1 Communication The kaneton microkernel and more generally the distributed operating system use messages to communicate with everything. Keep in mind that the kaneton project must be as simple as possible to be understood by students. To unify communications via messages, the microkernel translates every event into a message. For example, when an interrupt is received by the kernel interrupt handler, a message is built and forwarded to the server dedicated to this interrupt. So, each server just has to take care of how to receive messages and how to reply to them. Note that no group communication is provided by the microkernel. Indeed, the group communication concept is inherent to the distributed operating system. Therefore, the group communication will not be explained in this paper. Moreover, unlike UNIX-like operating systems, the kaneton microkernel does not use signals. Indeed, the goal of the kaneton microkernel is not to be as fast as a monolithic type kernel like Linux. The kaneton project focuses on genericity, coherency, abstractions etc. Finally, the kaneton message passing interface was designed based on well-known parallel and distributed programming libraries like MPI. From this fact, the kaneton microkernel directly includes parallel and distributed facilities. 4.2 Memory The memory model of the kaneton microkernel is very simple. Each address space of the system is composed of segments and regions. A segment consists in a linear sequence of physical addresses. A segment describes one area of physical memory including the first address, the last but also some properties like the owner of this segment, the permissions: execution, read, write etc.. and some extra attributes. Segments can be accessed via mappings or directly via the segment manager interface provided by the kaneton microkernel. A region consists in a linear sequence of virtual addresses. A region has no properties and is only used to map a valid segment. Using a region in the virtual memory will reference the segment’s data it maps. An address space is a list of memory locations. In the kaneton microkernel, an address space includes the list of the segments and regions. So, an address space describes the available process’ memory. Like the entire system, the kaneton memory model is based on little objects which are linked to build more complex objects. An address space is composed of segments and regions. This model implies that a program is allowed to manage its entire memory itself, its physical memory like its virtual one. Note that we do not explain the memory algorithm used to manage physical memory areas. Indeed, the memory manager uses the set manager to store its data. For this reason, the segment manager can easily change the algorithm used for storing its data. By easily we mean that a single word has to be modified in the source code. For more information about the set manager, please refer to its specific section. 4.3 Objects And Protections First of all, every kaneton object is identified by a unique identifier and manipulated over the microkernel with a capability. As said before, many kaneton objects are built by linking objects together. The figure below illustrates this hierarchy of the kaneton objects and the kaneton microkernel itself.
Recall that the kaneton microkernel was designed to fit distributed operating systems requirements.
This means that, contrary to classical operating systems, reserved objects must be secured to avoid security issues.
For example, on a classical operating system, when a user process asks the kernel for opening a file, the kernel just returns a file descriptor. In this context, there is no need to secure the file descriptor since this descriptor is private to the process which asked for it.
In a distributed operating system, the returned file descriptor may be transfered over the network to the caller. Then, in this context, an attacker could intercept the file descriptor and use it to access the file.
A distributed system needs to protect the objects over the network. So, the kaneton designers decided to use capabilites to handle this security issue.
A capability provides an easy way to allow a task of the system to access a privileged object via a very simple cryptographic technique.
Although this concept was introduced for the distributed operating systems needs, the kaneton designers decided to exploit the capabilities’ properties.
Indeed, the capabilities also permit a task to restrict the permissions of an owned capability and then to distribute this restricted capability to other tasks. Then, these tasks get the right to access the privileged object but this right is limited by the capability’s permissions the capability’s owner previously set.
This concept is very interesting, even in classical operating systems, because it allows tasks to handle the security on the objects they own.
To illustrate this concept, consider a program which allocates a segment of physical memory. Then it decides to allow another process to only read this segment. It will so generate a less privileged capability and give it to the other process. Therefore, the second process will be able to read the segment but not to write it.
A common capability format includes the object identifier, the permissions of the capability on the object listing the allowed operations, a check field ensuring security and other specific fields like for example the location of the service, a lifetime etc..
The figure below illustrate the capability generic format used in the Amoeba distributed operating sytem, this capability format being used by every server of the system.
Unlike many distributed systems, the kaneton microkernel based distributed operating system use specific and specialised capabilites rather than generic capabilities to increase scalability.
Consider a modern file system with billions of inodes; this file system certainly wants to build capabilities with a 64-bit identifier.
Consider now another service, for example a printer service, listing every printer of the system. This service certainly wants to use 16-bit identifier in its capabilities because there will certainly never be more than 65000 printers on this system.
Each server is different so each server needs its own capability format.
The use of specific and specialised capabilites forces the programs to ask the servers to generate new capabilites, unlike other systems. Indeed, the other systems generally use generic capabilites to permit programs to generate capabilities by themselves. This was not the kaneton designers’ choice and the result is more scalable capabilites but a performance loss in capability generation.
Note that libraries for each capability type manipulation could also have been provided but this was not the kaneton designers’ choice either.
Moreover, using this scheme permits servers to use the cryptographic algorithm they want.
Note that the capability generation does not often happen so the performance loss is not dramatic. Moreover, a capability can be generated and used by many other tasks because capabilites are generally used to restrict permissions. A capability is not unique to its user, so a program can generate a capability and distribute it to many other programs giving them the same permissions.
To conclude, this system is performant in a normal use but can become slow if a program has to generate many different capabilities, this case being seldom.
The use of specific capabilities also allows servers to create capabilities, for example, without identifier or with extra permission fields or with maximum security using for example a 128-bit check field.
Note that the use of the check field does not guarantee security on a distributed system. For this reason, the kaneton microkernel based distributed operating system can evolve with three security policies:
- No security: with this policy, the security field of the capabilities is not used. No cryptography is used on the system to guarantee security.
- Local security: with it, the capabilities are protected from malicious programs and users using the check field. So, while there is no network message passing of capabilites, the system can be considered as safe.
- Global security: with this security policy, the distributed operating system is safe. Every capability is protected with its check field but in addition each message on the network is protected by cryptographic algorithms.
4.4 Set
The kaneton microkernel internally uses a set manager which organises data for other kernel managers. The entire microkernel is based on the sets.
Using this manager leads to a very elegant and maintenable source code. From this fact, every kernel manager uses the set manager to store its data. For example the task manager uses the set manager to store every task of the system. Additionnaly, each task contains a set composed of the threads of this task etc..
Such a system provides an easy way to store data without effort. The task manager for example does not care about how to store data.
Moreover, it is possible to optimise the code where it is needed. In this case, it will be useful to optimise the data structures in the set manager and not in every manager using such a data structure like other systems do.
Indeed, the other operating systems generally use pointers to link kernel structures together and implicitly form sets. Such a source code is human unreadable and leads to many programming confusions and errors.
kaneton being a pedagogical microkernel project, we wanted to use the simplest design possible.
The set manager provides many different data structures like linked-list, double linked-list, circular queue, stack, pipe, array, binary tree, b+-tree etc.. In addition, the set manager can be extended without affecting the other managers using it.
By this way, every kernel manager is now able to use the set manager to store its data. The set manager also provides tools like iterators to easily and quickly go through sets.
The set manager interface is generic independently of the underlying set implementation. From this fact, a manager using a set can easily modify the set implementation used just by modifying a word in the set reservation line, the other set manager functions calls do not need to be modified.
The set manager is a key concept of kaneton because the whole kaneton core source code is using it leading to a very coherent and beautiful source code.
Let’s see an example of a set reservation for the segment manager.
set_reserve(ll, SET_OPT_ALLOC | SET_OPT_SORT,
sizeof(o_segment), &manager->segments);<p>
<p><code>o_segment o;
<p><code>set_add(manager->segments, &o);
<p><code>o_segment* g;<br>
set_get(manager->segment,, &g);<br>
g->perms = PERM_READ | PERM_WRITE;
In this example, a set is reserved. The underlying implementation is a linked-list. Then, an object is added to the set.
Notice that, the user of the set manager does not care about how the object is stored internally.
Finally, the user ask the set manager to find and return an object with the given identifier Then, the permissions of this segment are modified.
Since every manager uses the set, the set manager may seem quite complex.
We said before that the set manager manages set objects, these set objects being used to store data. Note that, the set objects are also stored in a set object. Indeed, the set manager uses itself to store the set objects. The special set object which stores the set objects is called the set container.
The figure below illustrates the sets.
The reader should notice on this figure that the set container holds three set objects.
One of this set is used to hold task objects.
Task objects are basically composed of memory and threads. For this reason, each task contains a set of threads.
The figure illustrates this massive use of sets.

4.5 Process
The kaneton microkernel uses a specific nomenclature which is different from other operating systems.
The system is composed of five different entities in relation with execution.
A module represents a passive execution entity in main memory. Indeed, a module does not run and has no execution context. The modules are managed by the module service to reside in main memory the time it is necessary. For example a very used program like /bin/ls
certainly becomes an important module due to its frequent use.
Fundamental system’s drivers and services are persistent modules because they would be used in the case of a crash to restart the crashed service without any dependency to the hard drive device driver, for example.
A program is the lowest privileged task on the system. The common user programs are the well-known UNIX programs like /bin/ls
, /bin/wc
, /usr/bin/cc
etc. A program is a task with no privilege. All it can do is compute some things, manage data and send messages to more privileged processes.
A service is a server which provides a so-called service. A service waits for messages, performs a task, and returns the result of the service replying the caller.
A driver is a service which can communicate with hardware devices. So, the I/O operations are reserved to tasks which are at least a driver.
Finally, a core is a kind of super-driver in which it provides many services and communicates with hardware devices. Moreover, it is the only task able to modify every system’s internal data structure.
In typical microkernel, every task can only be called by less or equal privileged tasks. In kaneton, we decided to break this rule because we found it too restrictive. In fact the core processes are allowed to send asynchronous messages. Without this exception, the microkernel is not able to forward messages, so hardware and software communications are not possible.
The kaneton microkernel does not have processes in the UNIX terms. Indeed, the kaneton microkernel manages tasks. A task is a non-active entity because a task is never scheduled. A task, in the kaneton terms, is an abstraction which describes an execution environment, a context. Each task has an address space describing its useable memory and one or more threads. A task with only an address space and one thread is essentially identical to a UNIX process. The term process is sometimes used in the kaneton documentation to describe a kaneton task.
The thread is the active entity because it is this one which is scheduled. Such a thread belongs to a single task, has a set of registers, a program counter and finally a stack. Needless to say that the kaneton microkernel handles threads as kernel threads.
Each task has three important properties: a class, a behaviour and a priority.
The class is chosen at the task creation time. This property informs the kernel about the nature of the task, its role on the system. In addition, this class will implicitly determine the rights of the task on the system. The different classes are core, driver, service, program. On many architectures, the core, driver and service classes will have the same hardware system priority. Nevertheless, few architectures provide different hardware system privileges like the Intel 32-bit Architecture.
The behaviour specifies the kernel the type of the task from the scheduler point of view. The different values for the behaviour are core, realtime, interactive, timesharing and backgroud. Each behaviour defines a range of priorities for the task.
The priority is a value included in the range defined by the task behaviour. Any thread of a task can update the priority of its task in this range modifying the task priority from the scheduler point of view.
With these properties, a user can create a task very reactive setting an appropriate behaviour and then update its priority to adjust its quantum. This mechanism gives the programs many possibilities and permits them to choose their execution context.
The threads also have an important property: a priority.
Each thread of a task can set its own priority in the range [10, 250[. From this fact, a thread can set itself an higher priority than the other threads of its task. The resulting effect is a thread having a longer quantum so better interactivity. Once again, this mechanism gives more liberty to the programs.
4.6 Statistics
The kaneton microkernel includes a statistics manager which performs runtime statistics on managers.
Indeed, this manager collects information on functions used by each manager including the number of calls, the number of errors and the time passed in each function.
Whenever a function is called and returns, the statistics manager is notified and then updates its data structures.
Through this statistics manager kaneton developers are able to optimise the critical managers and functions.
Needless to say that the set manager is part of the critical managers since the whole kaneton core is based on it.
5. The kaneton portability system
We will describe in the section the specific kaneton portability system.
The portability can be implemented through two different ways in kernels.
The first way consists in the development of an entire part, functionality of the kernel for a specific architecture. For example, let’s consider the memory manager. The memory manager source file will be totally re-developed for each architecture on which the kernel will be ported. This system leads to source code parts redundancy but also to the best performances since it is possible to use every external architecture facilities to optimise the kernel execution on this architecture.
The second way consists in the design of an architecture interface defining the common architecture operations like tlb_flush()
, install_page_directory()
etc. This system is better than the first from the redundancy point of view. Nevertheless, optimisations are more difficult to implement. Moreover, it is still possible for an architecture not to fill in this interface. Then, the kernel would not be able to be ported on this architecture.
The kaneton designers were not satisfied by these two solutions and so decided to adapt the second solution to the kaneton microkernel design.
The kaneton solution consists in a kind of extension of the second solution in which no interface is designed. Rather, every time an object is created, modified or destroyed, the machine-dependent source code is called to permit it to perform some operations on the object or on everything else.
This pseudo interface is better than the previous ugly and static one. Nevertheless, there still exists the possibility of an architecture not filling in this portability system.
For the kaneton microkernel we decided to use this system because it provides the most dynamic, moldable portability system. This system is experimental but seems absolutely correct. Theoritically, this system is the best because there is no redundancy and there are no constraints for the machine-dependent source code.
Moreover, this portability system is not intrusive, meaning that there is no need to modify a single line of the machine-independent source code to port kaneton on another microprocessor architecture.
6. Implementation
The kaneton microkernel project was created in a pedagogical way.
Indeed, the kaneton authors provides many materials for the kaneton microkernel development including complete documentation and assignments.
Moreover, documentation on specific architectures are also provided to help students in a precise implementation.
In addition, the kaneton authors are developing a microkernel reference as a basis for future development in distributed systems.
This reference implementation was written using the C language and modern tools.
The current kaneton microkernel reference implementation is being ported on Intel 32-bit architectures and MIPS 32-bit architectures.
7. Conclusion
The kaneton microkernel is based on a simple paradigm which allows programmers to manage memory and execution context as they want to.
A special interest was ported on parallel and distributed programming providing complete primitives to manage priorities on many levels: thread, task etc.. but also via a complete message passing interface.
The set manager is used to make the kernel source code very elegant and then understandable by everyone including students. Moreover, the data structure management is centralized in a unique point limitating the bugs and increasing the possible optimizations.
The kaneton portability system was designed to perfectly fit the kaneton microkernel requirements. Indeed, this portability system is not intrusive and allows kaneton to be ported on many different architectures.
Finally, the kaneton microkernel uses modern concepts like capabilities which open many ways to new security management but also increase the reliability and flexibility.
For more information on the kaneton microkernel project, please refer to the official kaneton website.
8. Acknowledgments
To the kaneton people especially Jean-Pascal Billaud, Cedric Aubouy, Fabien Le-Mentec, Matthieu Bucchianeri, Renaud Voltz and friends.
I could not stop reading this article. The only part I had a little trouble understanding was section 5, portability. Other than that it was a great read.
While some of the concepts seemed new, most of them, I believe, have been implemented in one way or another in different kernels. I guess that the way in which they were implemented makes them unique.
It all sounds like a fun project!
Definitely agreed!
Originally I wasn’t too sure what to expect from the contents but this was an excellent article, and I’m very much looking forward to seeing more in a similar vain.
A lot more interesting than a lot of things posted here.
The portability system is indeed pretty hard to understand without the source code.
It is the same problem for the set manager concept.
I think I got the basic concept of the set manager to keep references to the basic components/facets of objects?
…this really feels like somebody’s pet project which isn’t getting anywhere. No source, no implementation details, one author. There are more names listed, but the website, this article, and the only documentation on the website (the reference doc under papers) are all created by the same person.
However, just one author doesn’t have to be a bad thing. The bad thing is that there’s no source! What use is an ‘educational’ OS if there’s nothing to be found about it and nobody can actually see it?
All in all, it really sounds like the author is just grasping the basics about microkernels, and likes writing about it more than actually trying to implement anything. I wish him best of luck, but it gets a general ‘meh..’ until something’s actually done.
Of course, if there *is* an implementation somewhere, I didn’t say anything. Besides the fact that I’d like to see it and give it a go.
This entry is not elligible to win unless they produce either the source OR an available binary (it can even be commercial). It simply has to be available in some way, shape, or form to qualify.
I can add something to the kaneton website like “source code for sale: 3 billion dollars”…
More seriously we are not doing this contest to win. just to share our ideas.
Sharing ideas is always good! In that case only kudos to writing a 7 page article without intention of actually participating in the actual ‘contest’. On those terms, I feel obliged to give some more constructive feedback to it.
For starters, the following two quotes are very contradictive;
“leading to a powerful *snip* microkernel based OS”
“the microkernel translates every event into a message”
Ouch! Microkernels’ *main* (and when going exo~ it’s basically it’s *only*) task is doing the IPC. And you guys give that even more overhead? It really gets me thinking about the performance of this OS. How did you tackle this?
Second; Your discussion about the set-manager rings a bell. How much is your OS based on L4? If I recall correctly, they have a similar concept.
Third; A basic idea of a microkernel is ‘if something goes down, reboot just that’. How do you deal with such situations? This is even more relevant (and interesting) when you take the network-distributed part in mind. Some info about that would be really nice.
Lastly; the main objective was to build an educational OS. But the article discusses things like network-distributed file-descriptor encryption. Besides the obvious ‘what algorithm and how easy will it be to crack’, isn’t that a little far-fetched for an educational OS?
Ok first thanks for your constructive comments.
By powerful we do not mean performant but flexible, reliable, scalable etc.. As I remember, I wrote in the article that the performances was not a goal of the kaneton microkernel.
Nevertheless, the kaneton portability system is powerful enough to make optimizations based on the microprocessor architecture facilities. But, needless to say, the performance loss is the price to pay when introducing concepts and genericity.
Our choice was to build a microkernel with a very clear and powerful design not to be as fast as Linux.
Our microkernel is not based on L4 since I do not know anything about L4 microkernel internals. It simple to understand why: L4 goal was to prove microkernels could be fast enough while kaneton microkernel goal is certainly not the speed. Two very different approaches.
It is possible L4 has a similar concept but I do not know I am sorry.
The paper’s subject was the microkernel and not the distributed operating system. For this reason, the distributed aspects were not discussed in this article. Another article will be dedicated to this but this is a bit too early since the microkernel development is not finished yet.
Finally, the paper introduced some distributed problems but this was just to permit the reader to understand the problems. If I had just talked about capabilities, the reader would had never understood their usefulness.
First, we are four developers currently working on the reference implementation. Second, the kaneton reference implementation documentation contains three authors.
For the source code, the website explains why we cannot distribute it. Moreover, this year, the source code was distributed to the students.
A distribution will be released soon but will not contain the whole core source code for the same reasons…
For the rest of your comments…
I don’t see anything on the web site about why the code can’t be shared. Only a comment about not *wanting* to share it:
“””kaneton is one of the most important assignments in the French engineer school’s curriculum where kaneton is used as a project for the advanced operating systems courses.
For this reason, we are not inclined to share the code.”””
Ok then I will explain here.
The project consists in the development of the microkernel’s parts.
If we share the source code, any student could look at the reference implementation to cheat.
So our choice was not to share the source code.
We only provide the students a development environment and some pieces of code, but not the parts corresponding to their assignments.
This base, containing the development environment and fundamental pieces of code, will be available on the website soon (meaning in few months).
> To do so, the kaneton design and implementation are very elegant and easy to understand. Finally, the kaneton microkernel includes modern distributed concepts leading to a powerful, secure, flexible and reliable microkernel based OS.
OSNews should be an objective and neutral news source, but this one is heavily biased. And who ever wanted to create an OS that is inelegant or hard?
Linux! and many others…
No student wants to look at the Linux kernel source because too messy.
Moreover,there are different levels of clarity: the kaneton source code really looks like pseudo code while written in C.
> No student wants to look at the Linux kernel source because too messy.
Engineering is about real systems.
kaneton is not only intended to engineer students but students in general including for example high school students interested in operating systems.
When the microkernel development will be finished, the kaneton project will be available on the website with papers, documentation and assignments so every person intersted will be able to build its own microkernel based on the kaneton microkernel design.
The kaneton stuff will be available on the website at the end of the year. The developers first need to finish the microkernel implementation, to write tests and documentation etc..
I’m not sure I understand the need for specialised capabitilies..
It make things more complex, and according to the article there is even a performance loss.
I don’t understand the ‘scalability advantage’, if you use 128-bit capabilities, it should be more than enough, no?
For an OS which want to be as simple as possible, it’s a bit strange.
I agree on the fact that it seems strange to use specialized capabilities in a microkernel that claims to be simple but we found the use of generic capabilities too restrictive.
The use of specialized capabilities permit the microkernel’s servers to build their own capability format.
Indeed, we can imagine a server which does not manage kind of objects but rather a unique entity like for example a physical clock (very precise clock).
In this case, the server dedicated to this task certainly does not want to use a capability with an object field and a permissions fields because needless.
Moreover, the use of generic capabilities with no server interaction to build restricted capabilities implies bigger capabilities. For example, Amoeba uses generic capabilities but the user programs need to call the servers to build restricted capabilities.
Maybe this point is not very clear in the paper, I am sorry for this but I could not go further because the capability concept is a distributed concept and will be explained in a future paper.
While I enjoyed the content of the article, I have to say it was poorly written. I’m assuming english is not your first language? That’s okay.
It seems to me like you used the terms “moreover” “nevertheless” way too liberally.
Not a big deal, but next time you should try to mix it up a little bit. Aside from that, it was a great article
Indeed, English is not my first language.
As one of my research teacher said about the goals of research papers: “Always try to make things clear and simple to be understood by everyone, not to win the Pulitzer!”
Thank you for your comments.