Apple CEO Steve Jobs touted the company’s forthcoming products as “the best I’ve ever seen in my life”, and told Apple shareholders that the Mac’s transition to Intel processors will pay off in the long run. Jobs, Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer, and Senior Vice President of Worldwide Product Marketing Phil Schiller answered investors’ questions Thursday during Apple’s annual shareholder meeting at its Cupertino campus.
.. leather cases..
Haha, good one.
Wasn’t Jobs the person who said that the Segway would revolutionize the world?
Steve Jobs WAS one of the financiers of the original project and did think that it would revolutionize personal transportation… based on the IDEA of the thing… however, when the creators showed Jobs the product that he helped finance… well, just read about his reactions to it here:…
They are less than glowing… the forthcoming products that he HAS seen are either close to finished or are already finished… that’s a different type of comparison.
“Wasn’t Jobs the person who said that the Segway would revolutionize the world?”
Wasn’t Sir Clive Sinclair the person who said the Sinclair C5 would revolutionize world personal transport?
You realize that by leaking this news story to the public, OSNews will be sued by Apple.
OSNews will be sued by Apple.
Ah we can always move the OSNews servers to my place in The Netherlands, where we won’t be bothered by the vs. Does lawsuit
Since when did reporting news become a crime, I don’t think that OSNews is in any danger of being sued by Apple. ThinkSecret and other news sites got sued as they published information about the unreleased products of Apple. OSNews in my opinion is a tech news site (the best in my opinion).
OSNews in my opinion is a tech news site (the best in my opinion).
ever read any others like arstechnica, techweb etc… ?
With quotes like “Everyone wants a MacBook Pro because they are so bitchin’,”, Jobs comes off sounding like a real dickhead. I love Macs and all. I love Mac OS X and there’s nothing better in my opinion but Jobs really sounds smarmy. He’s so smug and annoying. I suppose being a rich and successful businessman and having such vision like Jobs has, you have to have some kind of personality flaw…
———–He’s so smug and annoying———–
He’s your typical liberal elitist. He’s a well known liberal elitist. So is Gates.
They are bitchin. Just face it. What the heck does liberal or elitist have to do with that. This is a good example of a need to categorize a person/thought/idea in order to rationalize it. Works well in OO programming but demonstrates a complete lack of intellectual reasoning when applied to the real-world situtions.
Jobs is my hero!
You mean as opposed to being a conservative moron like Pat Robertson, Michael Savage or Dick Cheney?
Yeah, kind of like that.
Who can tell the funniest apple bashing joke? Not anyone here . . .
WTF did you expect Jobs to tell shareholders; “Well our upcoming product line is really average common sense updates to the same crap we’ve been drooling out. We fully expect to milk iPod/iTunes for all they are worth and then some, while continuing the hope that companies like Microsoft and Creative Labs and Sony continue to botch sh!t up like they’ve been continually doing. Let’s face it people, if this whole iPod craze becomes passe while Microsoft and Adobe are scrambling to write UB’s from their funkyass codebases we’re screwed without any lube.”
How’s that. Ha ha.
This ain’t really news “CEO tells Shareholders “We’ve got good sh!t coming up”. Uh, that happens everyday, no? Did I miss something concrete other than bad jokes and rampant speculation?
Now all this thread needs is some arsehole to turn it into a Linux thread.
Remember,Jobs has tried to downplay his less important product announcements since they tend to get overhyped,then met with dissapointment.He can’t afford let it get hyped up too much.So,if he says it’s so great,he must have at least 1 exciting thing up his sleeve.
Now all this thread needs is some arsehole to turn it into a Linux thread.
Obviously Apple are ditching OsX and rolling out a whole new line of macs with Linux as the OS. As we all know installing Linux n any pc instantly makes it teh super-leet and this is the only conceivable way macs could get any better.
Also a new iPod video with a Linux based OS, which will play any media as long as it’s based on an open source codec or people download and illegaly install Windows dll’s hacked in to work.
No no, you are wrong. They are swapping out the kernel with linux but keeping the BSD toolset.
Now their servers will finally rock.
I here the GUI will start to look remarkably like KDE too.
So let me get this. The new Products are better then the old products, thus the best he has ever seen. Isn’t that just common sense. If the new products were not as good as old products, they would have a real problem.
Now, if Steve was to ever say “eh, this new stuff is ok, we’ve done better” then maybe when he says such things it might mean something, otherwise it’s pretty pointless.
“liberal elitist”
Now that is an oxymoron for you….
Nah, it’s just another way of saying “radical chic”.
No, “microsoft works”…. *that’s* an oxymoron.
like I said…… Jobs is a well known liberal and is very superior to the rest of us little people. Kind of like hollywood, though he doesn’t seem to have the whacko strain in him.
How do you find time out from your busy Fox News viewing schedule to post on osnews?
Sorry to step in the way of your pre-concieved notion, but I don’t have much time for Fox’s garbage.
There are very few like him, he’s one of the rare breed of people who can sense a product mix and its appeal. Put people like this with a decent designer or team, and they will introduce products that fly 4 out of 5 times. They will have some catastrophic mistakes. In my experience these usually happen just after the first great successes, and the duration is limited because they learn. If their careers are divided into 5 parts, most of the really bad mistakes will happen in part 2.
But, if you ever have a chance to invest in a startup with one of these guys, get in as an employee at the startup, take it with both hands.
If you look at Jobs mistakes, he let Apple get out of control in a way very typical of this type of person. He had a bust with Next, from a business point of view. the Cube was obviously a bust. But he’s got so much else right repeatedly.
It doesn’t make them nice people. They frequently have a messianic zeal, they rarely listen well, they can wreck lives while being very cheerful and friendly and positive. But, you do get the products and the growth and the startups.
So, are they going to be great products? Who knows. What’s for sure is that you will feel they are for the time he is talking, and those under his spell will go away feeling it, and stay feeling it, till the market proves them decisively wrong.
It doesn’t make them nice people. They frequently have a messianic zeal, they rarely listen well, they can wreck lives while being very cheerful and friendly and positive. But, you do get the products and the growth and the startups.
Let’s see reckless disregard for the feeling of others, lying and cheating friends without remorse, risktaking behaviour, irritable and agressive personality. I believe this particular type of genius is often called a psychopath.
“The new products in the pipeline are the best I’ve ever seen in my life,” Jobs said.
So, any further anouncements cannot possibly be better.
Jobs’ a salesman. No salesmen would be able to sell products if they talked badly about them. Very simple.
What if Jobs allowed a special edition to run on ordinary PC’s (which is what apple hardware really is), so DEVELOPERS can develop on them without buying more boxes. I want to run OSX just to develop on it for learning but currently the minimum hardware I can buy is MacMini and a LCD screen. I dont want to buy another screen, Im highly mobile and cant carry it around thats why i use mobiles and my laptop screen is perfectly usable. Dont they have special developer’s editions for this kind of environment? When EFI is the norm on PC’s and VM’s (VMWare and so on) it will happen anyway.
If PearPC had a hostless version like VMWare ESX Server and did not require a Host OS like WIndows to run it would run much faster me thinks and good for the kind of use I need but I would forgo the integration a VM solution would offer to run side by side.
Edited 2006-04-29 11:07
else, why on earth was this posted?
I am really hoping to get a Mac Intel notebook computer before the Summer, but $2000 is a bit more than I would like to pay. Maybe there will be a less expensive one introduced in the near future. Wish me luck…
All companies need entry level products (Apple mac mini for example and BMW series 1 and Mercedes A class) to get “Buy in” and in the upgrade cycle.
Apple is doing this more and more but what about the PC user? Must I buy a mini AND LCD screen and hog that around with me? Cleaper notebooks for the new purchaser not repeat customers.
“Jobs is a well known liberal and is very superior to the rest of us little people”
Superior? Really? What makes him better than me or you or anyone else? Because he makes more money? Because he’s a fairly successfull salesman?
“Jobs is a well known liberal and is very superior to the rest of us little people”
Superior? Really? What makes him better than me or you or anyone else? Because he makes more money? Because he’s a fairly successfull salesman?
You don’t get irony very well, do you?
>Superior? Really? What makes him better than me or you or anyone else? Because he makes more >money? Because he’s a fairly successfull salesman?
Yes, yes, yes, and yes.
“I believe this particular type of genius is often called a psychopath. :-)”
Indded, and interestingly enough children diagnosed as psychopaths often grow up to become either serial killers, successfull businessmen or political leaders.
Draw your own conclusions
Maybe he’s talking about the “great PowerPC products still to come” from his WWDC 2005 keynote…
…going to be false
1. Apple buys Danger – Renames it the Apple Sidekick – tightly intergrates it with the mac OS – but Windows version OK too. Welcome to the iPhone
2. “Video iPod” comes out – revolutionizes PMP
3. Apple buys SGI – incorporates server technology
4. Apple starts incorporating media centers capabilities in every mac – including FM/TV tuners (satelite radio optional)